its not right what you guys are doing. giving penalty to ppl that not voting for you.
robbinhood is not giving the amount lisk they should share with the voters right now.
its almost -50%
you are 1 and the same guy using 2 forging spots now aiming to get the 3e forging spot!
not earning enough? time to get your pools out the top 101.
time to unvote this crap pools!
Just my statistic for last 3 months:
robinhood have paid at least 2 times more than any over pool.
if RobinHood's partner will be in top 101 it will be even more profit for voiters.
Just to inform you that, when in forging position, will share a total of 50% of all forged blocks.
So yes, RobinHood is currently the best payout pool, and will stay like that in the future !