Lisk hasn't even launched yet and it's already breaking into top 10 on Market Cap
Looks like #2 or #3 on Market Cap after launch is a DONE DEAL
Wow nice
You see, guys. We are not kidding here, this is Lisk, this is real tech.
If one was to look back in my posting about Lisk over the
Past few weeks I was speaking about Lisk value
NOT worth pennies Hence weeks ago me, deadpoolx & a few others already seen the writing
On the wall..
Lisk highly most anticipated Crypto 2.o project of 2o16
I come to realize some don't follow the system
Trailblazers lead by example
& NOT everybody believes
LIsk is worth Pennies on the dollar. (Small thinkin)
Ico jus showed the entire crypto
Community there is demand for Lisk.
Isnt not Collectively the overall
Market (contributors) decides
What Lisk is worth (& it aint pennies)
If someone offered u $100 for 1 Lisk
Than automatically you sold lisk
Based on what YOU think it's worth..
Again not everybody is the same..
Some choose to make a way in life..
Whether you or I may like or disagree with it.
Everyone should have a right to individual choice.
Make your offer & stand on it and let
It be known there is a demand for lisk &
It ain't cheap...
If ethereum ain't cheap then Lisk shouldn't be either.
You let some tell its 1 lisk = 1 btc ...
yeah let the imagination run wild for a moment on that one.
Forecasting ahead (prophetizing) Lisk potential
Going forward..
Remember google/apple/microsoft early on
Would you invest in those companies knowing
What you know today...
Fast foward into Lisk future... remember Lisk
years ago successful ico (3rd highest in crypto)
2nd highest in crypto history..
decentralize application platform
yeah, what will likely become
holygrounds for Javascript
developer's for all things blockchain Lisk
& sidechains related.
Lisk has the potential to become a house hold name
And It's one of investors most anticipated
crypto 2.0 projects to launch this year.
As the excitement of Lisk grows, so does
the community which means there are
or will likely be an rapidly growing increase in new
contributors in Lisk project as time goes on.
Here is what is either happening right now or about to.
●Big plans being drawn up,
●big deals are being arranged,
●Javascript developers on the way,
●more partnership/alliances being formed,
●Innovation in the pipeline,
●Microsoft azure project/Lisk,
●Lisk on multiple exchanges @ launch time.
this is only jus the beginning, take inconsideration
A very successfully ico which in turn empowered
Lisk team with the ability to hire, contract,
or employ some of the best, brightest,
most intelligent & talented
Javascript developers around.
Lisk as alternative to €+h€R, in comparison
To innovation evaluation, giving the fact
Lisk is unbelievably under valued for such a
new technology that is suppose to be re writing history.
I suspect not much longer after launch lisk first
Week of trade may very well do expectly well beyond
Many expectations as the ico did.
Lisk has gotten the entire crypto
Community attention but now the question
is how long can they keep it in a space
where innovation & projects evolve by the second.
Market makers set your own price as you'll
See the demand for lisk more than likely
rise over the next few weeks.