I know it won't happen--and I'm not really too bothered by it--but since launch is delayed, I wish the devs would help the community set up some way to trade stakes. It's not as impossible, as it's made out to be, there's always a way to trade something if there are people willing to buy.
All we would need is someone trusted, not even necessarily a dev, who would keep a spreadsheet of buyers and sellers. Buyers and sellers would do an escrow deal as well as tell whoever is in charge of the spreadsheet. The seller would give the buyer their passphrases and whatnot and both would also confirm that they are about to do a trade with the person in charge of the spreadsheet. The seller would tell this person their email that they used to setup their lisk ICO account. Anyone who claims to have lost their private keys would need to talk to the person in charge of such a spreedsheet. If they sold their stake, they can't get new passphrases.
Of course this person in charge would need to be trusted, but there's definitely a few trust-able members on these forums who might do this if we gave them some btc/lisk.
Just a thought..
mastercoin-type google spreadsheet exchanges? lol ... next
All this is very simple to stop this exchanges creating this. It would have been good that LISK created their own tokens for LISK so they would have swapped it in the exchange the way yobit is doing. So yobit would have not been able to do so as LISK would have done it first. Simple, that would have given the chance to buy legitimate tokens from LISK and not yobit.
I heard that's what Waves is gonna do