Use Max's face as logo. Problem solved
That's actually a pretty good idea. Think about Doge.
Maybe Max's face for the coin, and the photo of him in the jet with the women for the Lisk paper bill!
To vote a delegate, have you to be a standby delegate?
Or anybody can vote? (I want to vote but I don't want to be a delegate node)
IIRC you can vote for a delegate for 1 LISK
When the Lisk wallet comes out, there will be a tab that will show a list of delegates. The list will be in two parts. The first part of the list will be the ctive Delegates. The rest of the list will be the Standby delegates. There will be check boxes by every name. To vote, you pick 33 delegates you like and put checkmarks in their boxes. This is your "ballot". Then you hit a button to send your ballot with its 33 votes to the blockchain at a cost of 1 Lisk. I don't know why the limit is 33 per ballot - it's in the code, maybe Oliver can explain. You can vote for a maximum total of 101 people, so you have to cast four ballots to get to 101 delegates at a cost of four Lisk total.
When you go back into your wallet, it will remember who you have voted for and automatically have checkmarks by your chosen delegates. You can uncheck boxes to remove votes. You then spend one Lisk per 33 removed votes to get those changes onto the Lisk blockchain.
This is how it was at Crypti. There may be differences made for Lisk.
Oliver, why the limit of 33 votes per ballot?
Hello MalRaynolds and delegates voters
I will run with a node for a delegate position.
I am 37 in the marketing space active and since 2013 doing some crypto projects. I live in Austria and supported some coins and now I think Lisk will be huge.
Would be great if you consider me, voting for me.
Best regards