I read through the last blog entries. There seems to be some major changes, such as a rebranding or the SDK. Unfortunately, there are no exact release dates. Is it possible to estimate when the SDK is released? No exact date but for example Q3 2017 or similar would be fine.
It seems it is gone because I am getting an 404 error. I also could not find it on the new Lisk wiki on Github.
Wasn't it just forwarded to the wiki, was it, or is it outdated?
Because it will rewrite from start. Now conceptualizing state. https://blog.lisk.io/lisk-blockchain-applications-the-future-of-the-sdk-1db83ee518d0#.9wpqn6g10
I thought rebranding planned for Q2 and SDK Q4.
If someone can confirms this with a link/blog please do. Don't have the time to do it myself.