Did anyone pledge on liskascend.com? Is it worth it? I think it is, we would need to sign a message in lisk nano client and that way we would "pledge" or "promise" to vote for ascend when they come to top 101? Whats up with the rewards,how and when would we received them?
WOW - thx tuvok007 - best post i read in a long time!!!
www.liskascend.com is a big step to get a solution with the (rip-off) delegate pools, to stop the worth + value deduction from the stakers to those pools
(sorry to generalize not all delegates are like that)
+worth - Delegate minimum shares 50% to Stakers
+value - Delegates are software engineers, marketers and organizers, it experts and cryptographers - and (best part) they check themselves to deliver content for the Lisk Ecosystem
within a 3 month period, if Delegate becomes inactive it looses it's Delegate place and gets replaced***
***Replacement of an inactive Delegate happens like this: the predecessors LSK address is used for the successors Delegate - so no extra vote is needed
If you are keen on a change and want to help for a sustainable Lisk Ecosystem, share that info!
And sign a message with your NANO client to pledge to vote for them.
They have more infos on their website how the pledge works; Readups to their PROJECTS; an planned option to self scale your payouts 1-10 LSK, Payback on Votes, Refferral system etc....
https://liskascend.com/#missionPS: i am not a member of Lisk Ascend but convinced that this is the right way to get forward