This is a copy and paste of Polo sell orders.
0.000814 5043.98821216 4.10439465 4.10439465
0.000816 246.72897282 0.20130616 4.30570081
0.000817 2814.62618272 2.29882377 6.60452458
0.000818 4596.88807114 3.75828725 10.36281183
0.000819 7274.78507710 5.95245879 16.31527062
0.000820 161869.82423669 132.73293986 149.04821048
0.000821 1929.67799527 1.58316928 150.63137976
0.000822 3181.10642068 2.61400349 153.24538325
The one highlighted in red is one of the only ones moving. It will go from 161,906 or 907. Then drop down to 161,869 then it will go right back up to 161,906. The ones that are cheaper than his are just sitting there barely moving.
I guess it is, It was just really weird because it did it about 8-10 times in a matter of maybe 2-3 minutes.