So I'm still kind of in shock, but my BitCore Core - Wallet was emptied this morning. 3 months of mining gone in an instant. What can I do to prevent this from happening again?
Can you write down your BTX address so we can take a look at the explorer to see the movement of coins?
Yes, we Need your address to see what the hell happened.
For this very reason, Support for trezor and ledger nano cant come fast enough. Ill get me a trezor 2 specially to store those pinkies. Then run in the world. To bad you cant transact directly from Trezor. But that is what coinomi is for.
The airdrops are the only reason BTX hasnt surpassed the other Bitcoin forks out there. There are some that are completly ridicolous, like bit coin Gold, for instance, that have no reason beeing placed where they are.
And that is because People wanted to cash in their "free Money". The Dumpers will be the ones Feeling sorry, when BTX soars the Crypto ladder, pushing into top 10, and displacing Bitcoin cash, which is only a bad joke, and then the Big ol bitcoin.
All those Dumpers will get Mass Depression.
Since i discovered BTX, i never sold a single coin, the only coins i lost are those Transaction fees when i unified my mining Outputs.
Once BTX reaches couple of tens of thousands per coin i MIGHT think of selling. I might !
Because it will, and those Dumpers, man, i really feel sorry for them ! But withouth them i wouldnt have been able to fill my stash. So i am very gratefull.
Waiting for the
Mother Load™