Now BUY BTX so hard that your wife threatens to leave you. Be a HERO!
After explaining my Wife what is going on, she told me we otta use the last money we have to get more BTX. 100 more UBFKNliveble !
We skip eating until end of month, because the human body can withstand as it is a minimum of 40 days without food.
Give me MOAR BTX, damn it.
This is still amateurish. True hardcore BTX pursuers have now started to pimp their wives for BTX. After all Crypto is about distributed consensus and sharing, so if you distibute your wife consensually and share it with strangers in exchange for BTX you can considerably improve your BTX holding. And your wife will be happy too.
With hardcore playa pimps like you in da game.
We’re bound to go platinum