i just had a look at coingecko. 4.01 USD. That is an amazing performance!
Do I look like I am spreading FUD now? But I think the 3.36 price I am seeing is mostly caused by Bit-Z bots going crazy. I cited multiple reasons such as the airdrops acting as an inflationary measure to the overall downturn in the market.
dear sir, mr gwestcot (just to take up the april fools joke of this forum),
it seems to be an offend that you quote me for your own reasons. the first "crash" was caused by you, and what came on top is your fault imo. there are still enough postings in which you try to turn out the negative things just to fool everyone who investet in a project you WORKED FOR. next time, pls play your private war privately and not in official channels.
(and to stay polite) best regards.
Ya right.. I made the entire crypto market dump by myself... Most of this drop in value has had nothing to do with me at all. It has everything to do with all of the easy money crowd pulling out. I am still calling for 3k/4k Bitcoin and there is nothing to suggest that the downturn will stop despite a few bounces now and again. We are still firmly in the downtrend channel. My rants were more warning than anything else. I saw fundamental weakness in the market and I took steps to secure my gains from 2017. There is nothing wrong with that as far as I am concerned. As far as Bitcore goes... Was I wrong about anything at all? What you advocate for is keeping things secret. Governments keep things secret but that is what we are supposed to fighting against. We should always be as transparent as possible in this space. Know that I also didn't dump my bags without first warning everyone. Maybe this created panic but I thought it was fair for me to do so. This price movement was going to occur whether i held my fairly small 13.5k BTX bag or not.
no, but there are several things really making me nervous about your role in this project:
as i was informed you were the main person creating the current airdrop model (and the investors have to pay the fee)
and again: you were PAID for your participation in this project, and at least this fact implement some part of LOYALITY. which is absent in your case. the only thing i read from you since your reappearance is the attempt of harming the project itself.
edit: this is my personal point of view and my personal opinion.
No I compromised significantly on the airdrop model since I wanted the originally promised model. I wanted all the coins to be dropped immediately and none of them going to BTC holders. There are now 8 million coins or so stuck in never never land and the rest has been airdropped over time in this slow and agonizing process of continually increasing inflation as the market also takes a downturn. I would rather have had one shocking event and then recover than to experience this fading away process. If you want you can go back to many many months ago and read my posts. I guess I was ranting just as much then as now. But there was another user than raised hell as well and it was actually his plan that won with ever increasing airdrops. I just facilitated it because some people thought i was being unfair my excluding what now is the current airdrop model. Obviously if we had proportionally dropped all of the coins in Oct/Nov all at once then the distribution would not be as wide but that can happen organically on the exchanges.
ok, then i am just asking you and the devs who is right at all: the shock at once or the slightly one. one side is not telling the truth obviously, but a large front has to pay the fees.
The evidence is on these very forums if you wish to go back and look. The model was changed multiple times. The first one had them dropping all of it to holders in the beginning of November, then they wanted to drop the majority of it to BTC holders, and the last iteration was simply the one that won from the community vote that I facilitated. It wasn't even my plan that won. I was trying to get the pain over with faster and to be honest I hated the idea of airdrops with a passion from the start but I love the other properties of this coin. The scaling debate was important at the time and this coin scales better than any other POW coin out there. POS can in some cases do significantly better but there are other questions in regards to security and also the need to stake that make POS not very viable.
hell, this is starting to be a circus. either you say yes or no, either you are part of a project or not. you seem to be talking away your role, and i still do not like the taste.
I was but not at the time the airdrop model was decided... Shortly thereafter I was apart of the project. Basically October-December I was on the team but the distribution model fight was occurring in August and September if I am not correct.
so whom was part of the decision of this model? can you please name nicknames?
It was crypt0kid as you can see here. I just wanted to defend my decisions since some were so critical of them. I know it is easy to make me the boogeyman than caused everything but I am not. I am actually honest.
@gwestcot, This model was indeed my idea. I made this suggestion and the community voted that they preferred my idea of your idea. You were suggesting 10% airdrops per month and fortunately, the community voted against that idea. You said that people would hold onto their coins and that you weren't planning to sell. Then I saw your comment on Telegram saying that you sold and that you are part of the reason why the price crashed. Well, I'm still holding all of my coin, but I wish that I had sold at $30. It's very interesting that you were the one who said that you wouldn't sell and then you end up being the one who sells and crashes the price.
Your job when you were brought on to the team was to get BTX listed on multiple exchanges. If I'm not mistaken, the only exchange that you got BTX listed on was HitBTC, one of the worst exchanges on the market. The reason that the team brought you on was because you said that you were talking to Bittrex and that you thought you could get us listed on it. You talked a big game, but in the end you couldn't deliver on any of your promises and that is a big reason for why the price is at these levels...lack of exchanges. I'm guessing that the team terminated your role because you weren't able to deliver on your promise of new exchanges.
It's one thing to sell your coins, but my problem with you is that you posted on Telegram that you were responsible for the crash. How do you think it looks when a former member of the team posts on Telegram that they were selling their coins? That's like FUD and I'm sure a lot of weak hands sold their coins out of fear after they saw your post.
Just think about it like this, if you had been able to deliver on your promise to get us listed on additional exchanges, we probably wouldn't be in this situation. By you accepting that role to get us on new exchanges and failing to deliver, you are a big reason for why the price is where it is. Had you not made promises that you couldn't deliver on, the team would have found someone else who would have actually been able to deliver and today we would be listed on many more exchanges. You hurt the coin in more than one way.
#1. You basically lied to the team about being able to get BTX listed on big exchanges i.e. Bittrex.
#2. You sold your coins in a down market, making the price crash even worse than it might have done.