Can anyone tell me, how mucht TPS the Bitcore Network supports now ?
For instance, Ziliqa's test Network did 2500 TPS, and there are also coins out there with more than 1000 TPS as a capability, for instance NAV or NEO.
NEO for instance claims to have cracked the scaling puzzles and reports that by 2020 it will process 100,000 transactions per second without sharding.
where does BITCORE fit in ? Can it scale to such high numbers of TPS, tens of thousands?
Can it Play with the bigdogs ?
I kinda have the Feeling that now its the fastest (TPS wise) bitcoin fork there is, but that wont do it any ood if it is still couple of order of magnitue lower than what the bigboys can do.
Also, the airdrops Happening mondays, why cant i see the hash and Transactions for each of those 60k addreses when i explore the blockchain ?
Another Point would be, if Crypto is going to get world wide Adoption, or a single coin for that matter, isnt a limited number like 21 Million way to low for a Population of more than 10 Billion ?
That is why i believe a capless coin will do in the end better, if it will get mass Adoption.
I believe a capless some sort of POS coin will be far better off for a huge number of People. Earth Population grows without showings signs of stopping ,which by the way is an extremly bad Thing, which will probably in the end kills us all, and as such, the Maximum number of coins in circulation will also Need to be increased.
For instance when the lowest Division of Bitcore, is worth hundreds of Dollars, probably a new forks should be done as well, transitioning to a capless System,
People get 1% of their coins in the new currency, and the rest of 99% will get distributed airdrop style to all future holders,
I believe this is the future. Which by the way is very far away for now, For now, a capped System of 21 mil coins will probably do just as good.
I have my ideas about the hard cap on supply and I definitely think it is decidedly a negative thing. Sure it is deflationary but most people forget that deflation can be just as dangerous as inflation. It provides incentive to hold rather than to use and spend. That is the very reason why bankers and regulators say it is not a currency and I hate to admit it but they are right. I have an idea that the block reward should be dynamically tied to demand which maybe would be determined by economic activity in previous blocks. That would mean that inflation/deflation would equal the rise or fall in demand for the currency. What do you think? Of course to some degree this could be manipulated but there are many ways to deter bad actors.