People should use HitBtc or Cryptobridge for now! don't make same mistakes more than one time. Bit-z is fake, the volume is not real plus they charge high fees. Cryptopia has issues now so avoid them until they get their business together.
Bit-Z is not fake and yes their volume is real. I don't know why you would say that. I ask you to go on Cryptopia right now and look at the BTX market history. You will see tons of 0-10 purchases many of them under 1! A small few around 25 to 50.
This is the just the last 10 on BIt-Z: DatePrice (BTC)Vol (BTX) you can see many over 100. The highest volume and easiest to sell and withdraw is Bit-Z. Again I have reason to say this I just use them for BTX. I trade mostly on Bittrex and Binance.
09:56:480.00194025 138.6762
09:51:240.00192400 125.8151
09:48:360.00192436 115.2923
09:46:120.00192593 87.8342
09:43:210.00192844 139.5290
09:41:200.00193470 47.7374
09:38:380.00192440 74.8662
09:35:020.00202800 2.7793
09:34:590.00202800 11.0730
09:34:410.00202800 19.7238
09:34:380.00192817 125.4909