For Signatures - Sign/Verify a Message
I enter my paper wallet address and type AIRDROP
click on Sign Message...I get this message:
Private key for the entered address is not available
What is wrong and how to resolve problem?
I am mining to that address but have been unable to sign for airdrops.
As the message says, you don't have the private key to that address in that wallet. Hopefully you have it somewhere, otherwise your mining profits are lost, too.
What do I need to do?
Hey, I'm interested in that too. For example, I want to move my keys from one wallet on one computer to another on another one. It seems that I can back up my wallet in its entirety and then restore it elsewhere, but I'm more interested in doing that in an "old-fashioned" way, so to speak, that is by importing my private/public key pair manually.
How can we do that really?
You generate a new wallet, go to console and type "importprivkey insertyourlongprivatekeyhere"