597577 BTX 15.97879487 0.01000000 Complete
5/08/2017 12:58:00 PM
Hi, I'm the dev who received your reports. First, thanks for your report. Sorry you had to wait for the response this long.
I've studied logs and dumps from the reports you've sent. And I haven't seen that your wallet has the key for the address 1GtBwpyUbSFjqyZpRtUuvtQHrC5EHAPtxx.
I see you've sent your coins to that address, proof: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/btx/address.dws?1GtBwpyUbSFjqyZpRtUuvtQHrC5EHAPtxx.htm
But. I also see that around the same time the same address was active on the bitcoin blockchain, proof: https://blockchain.info/address/1GtBwpyUbSFjqyZpRtUuvtQHrC5EHAPtxx
May it be that you copy-pasted the address from the wrong place? It seems like this address belongs to an exchange in bitcoin universe (some exchange has the key to this BTC address). To confirm this you have to look for BTC deposit address on the exchanges you're using. The chances are you'll find it there.
Thanks for your time and patience.