"wallet":8972} - 70 instances
"wallet":45} - 10 instances
"wallet":8968} - 40 instances
"wallet":9083} - 46 instances
"wallet":14177}- 10 instances
I did a quick find on the top 1000 to see how many of the same wallets had multiple instances. I didn't go through entire list, this is only 6 wallets which hold 330 spots on the top 1000. Now, there are amounts that are exactly the same but show different wallets. I'm sure when you see 53.6, 25 times its the same person, just shows different wallet. These 6, however make no bones about trying to hide the splits. I think they should be removed from the airdrop for being greedy TOOLS...
and yes, I'm in the top 1000, but only have 1 wallet.
is anyone going to be addressing these issues? These 6 people, because of their greed, screwed 324 people out of getting the airdrops they deserved to get. I know the number of spots taken by only a few are higher, this is just a snapshot, but that doesn't change the fact that all these hundreds of BTX holders are being alienated for no reason other than a few assholes being greedy. The person with 154 addresses in the top 1000 received 10 BTX for each address last week. That's 1540 BTX you gave him for free. at todays value of $2.58 USD per that's $3,973.20 you just GAVE him. Where is my $3973???
If you are going to give out BTX in airdrops you have to make this completely fair to everyone. There are some good suggestions but the solutions so far do nothing but still give out large amounts of BTX to a few, who in my mind no longer deserve to take part due to their behavior.
I think at this point the airdrops need to be suspended until the issue can be fixed to where its fairer to a larger number of BTX holders.
If suspension of the airdrops is not feasible then I'm with others who think a percentage, like 2.5 or 3 should be given out, but to each wallet, not just top 1000. a percentage would mean even if someone split their wallet into multiple instances, they would still end up with the same amount as if they had it all in one wallet. This way their is no advantage to splitting and everyone could participate and get a little extra for being part of BTX.
how is someone a greedy TOOL asshole because they follow the rules ? if the rules tell you to split as much as possible why the fuck wouldn't you do it ? calling those who bought the coins greedy assholes just coz you're poor is pretty shallow and dumb. don't whine when people follow the rules that were made.
I'm not calling those who bought coins greedy assholes. I'm calling those who split to take rewards from others who may not have as much greedy assholes. Like the person who made 154 wallets in order to get as much as he can. That's greedy. And yes, I'm in the top 1000 and have made a sizable investment, but I have not and will not split to take from those who cannot make such investments. If your so offended you must have been one of the tools I'm talking about. You can always tell who the offenders are by the way they react and how defensive they get to a post.
FYI, it's "because" not "coz", moron.
everything changed now...it doesnt care if he hold 1000 wallets or 1...2,5% are 2,5%...its always the same...
So we can harmonize now the situation and are excited for the next cheats of our really smart community here!