good work ....
so another 1936 meme burned....
txid 67bb1d0b9e103fb7928643d078d253403085a1ea0e7abefa8505cef129de321a
can somebody check it ?
What are you talking about?
no way to of burned them being that kekdaq is the the only way you can burn a meme and that would of got you kekdaq tokens.
Tho most likely Cryptopias wallet just not being synced is just causing it to not be in the blockchain yet and thus not going to be seen in your wallet or the block explorer till they get there wallet synced and get there crap together.
Same thing happened to me with about 1500 I sent from Cryptopia to my wallet Right before the last time there wallet went off line for mantaince and it took them a while to get going again. then my memes hit my wallet a few mins after they got there wallet working again. Then it happened the other direction when I sent 3200 to another exchange that happened to take there's down right as I sent it. so that was all in limbo land for a while to before it showed up. Which was a few mins after they got there wallet all upgraded and synced to the new chain.
But thats the great thing about blockchain and your coins are prob not lost at all. and will either show up in your wallet when they get synced OR if the send did not really happen on there end they should appear there when they get there wallet going again. like they had never been sent. BUT most likely the first scenario will happen.
and btw ya It sucks to not know were your pepes are or when they will show up. BUT its still better then it being something were they just disappear in to thin air never to be seen again. which would and could happen if you somehow sent them to a wrong address. SO MAKE SURE YOU CHECK what address you sent them to to be extra sure you did not somehow enter a wrong address or cut and pasted one and left out part of it.