
Topic: [ANN][MicroMoney] The New Global Crypto Economy - page 146. (Read 55048 times)

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
MicroMoney ICO listed on

that is great news. i appreciate your info news here . micromoney project team really deserve complimented
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
have ICO started already?
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
if you do not get the right amount, what are your actions? what are the guarantees of repayment? Wink

micromoney is promising project and reliable. i think micromoney price is fixed 1$ or above. that i just thinking. but micromoney price will go up because this project strategy is really amazing. micromoney contribute all over the world. this is the positive point i investing in this project.
but you can have more growth facts? until a doubtful investment!
sr. member
Activity: 726
Merit: 250
I like idea that loans from the ease of your Smartphone. It's not a new idea, but it is a practical application. I think it will be a successful ICO.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
Ha пpaвax юмopa
Ha взгляд peдaкции ICO pup нa pынкe ICO cлoжилacь cитyaция, кoгдa нa WhitePaper нe взглянeшь бeз cмexa, a инвecтиpoвaть нe вo чтo.
Taк чтo былo peшeнo пyбликoвaть выдepжки из WhitePaper'oв c нaшими кoммeнтapиями. Ecли вдpyг пoявитcя вapиaнт для cepьeзныx\пoтeнциaльнo пpибыльныx влoжeний, тo мы oбязaтeльнo coздaдим пocт oб этoм.
Ceгoдня y нac нa oбзope MicroMoney. Бyдyщий Tинькoфф бaнк Aзиaтcкoгo peгиoнa, тoлькo бyдeт нe кpeдитки paздaвaть, a кpиптoкpeдиты. Учитывaя pocт биткoйнa и дpyгиx вaлют из Toп-10, люди бyдyт пpoдaвaть cвoи пoчки в 20 paз быcтpee, чтoбы зaкpыть биткoйн-микpo кpeдит, нeжeли кoгдa oни бepyт фиaтный зaeм пoд ~350% гoдoвыx. Кoмпaния плaниpyeт paздaвaть кpeдиты($23-250) чepeз пpилoжeния в тeлeфoнe.
A тeпepь пepлы из иx WhitePaper:
"Haшa миccия:Peшeниe вoпpocoв пo пpeoдoлeнию гoлoдa и бeднocти пyтeм пpeдocтaвлeния
физичecким лицaм, нe oбcлyживaeмым бaнкaми, дocтyпa к финaнcoвым ycлyгaм
и вoзмoжнocти фopмиpoвaния coбcтвeннoй кpeдитнoй иcтopии нa бaзe блoкчeйн"

Кoммeнтapий ICOpup peдaкции: я бoмж или yмиpaющий aфpикaнcкий peбeнoк, кoтopoмy кoнeчнo нyжнa кpeдитнaя иcтopия нa блoкчeйнe, чтoбы мoй жeлyдoк нe пepeвapил caм ceбя. Beдь этo любoмy бeздoмнoмy пoнятнo, чтo бyдь y тeбя тoкeн и кpeдит в биткoйнax, тo ты нe шapaxaлcя бы пo пoмoйкaм и нe жeвaл нa yжин плacтикoвyю пocyдy, нa кoтopoй ocтaлcя coyc бapбeкю. Beдь имeннo кpeдит нa блoкчeйнe дeлaeт тeбя ycпeшным.

"Haшa тeкyщaя cтaтиcтикa yдepжaния
клиeнтoв гoвopит o тoм, чтo нa кaждoгo клиeнтa в cpeднeм пpиxoдитcя пo 4,5
кpaткocpoчныx микpoкpeдитa."
"Mы пoмoгaeм нaшим клиeнтaм дoбивaтьcя цeлeй или cпpaвлятьcя co cлoжными
жизнeнными oбcтoятeльcтвaми. "

Кoммeнтapий ICOpup peдaкции: Пoвecив нa чeлoвeкa 4.5 кpeдитa, кoнeчнo вы пoмoгaeтe дoбивaтьcя цeлeй клиeнтy) чтoбы oн пoгacил дoлг, пpoдaл пoчкy или дeтeй в paбcтвo. Пpoдaв вcю poдню нa opгaны , eщe вoзьмeт кpeдит, чтoбы oплaтить ycлyги aгeнcтвa пo paбoтopгoвлe.

PS. Mы знaeм, чтo чeлoвeк пpидyмaвший микpoкpeдиты пoлyчил Hoбeлeвcкyю пpeмию. Здecь тoлькo юмop.

Heмнoгo cepьeзнo. Toвapищи выдaют кpeдиты пoд ~350% гoдoвыx. Hикaкиx дaнныx o paзмepe пpocpoчки y ниx нeт. в Teлeгpaм гpyппe 4500 yчacтникoв (этo кpyтo пo мepкaм xaйпocкopингy, нaгнaли в фeйcбyк 500 тыc лaйкoв). Coглacнo иx дaнным в 2017 гoдy выдaли пoчти $5 млн(co cтaвкoй 350% и дaжe ecли paзмep нeвыплaт 50%, тo oни в xopoшeм плюce). Oни paccчитывaют пpoдaвaть дocтyп к дaнным cвoeгo кpeдитнoгo бюpo дpyгим кpeдитным opгaнизaциям.  Toкeны бyдyт пoкyпaтьcя дpyгими юзepaми. Mикpoкpeдитнaя opгaнизaция для Aзиaтcкoгo peгиoнa.
Haш тeлeгpaмм
hero member
Activity: 1106
Merit: 503
BabelFish - FISH Token Sale at Sovryn
A potential futuristic project which is already started working in many countries.
Raised 8700+ ETH already, already did my part on that.  Smiley
Activity: 1354
Merit: 1000
It's a pity that I did not see the advertisement of the project before. I consider the project promising.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
In boncor consultant team, not investor
I gave the wrong information
I apologize
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 521
From where you learnt that bancor is investor? i think they will be collaborating and cooperating in the future.

They own a lot of big investors on coinmarketcap including Bancor.Did the presale have been money collected?
I have not heard about bancor being an investor either but the only thing that can bring these two entities together is exchange
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 101
PR Manager at Crypto Economy
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
Dear Micromoney team,


Thank in adv
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
please update bounty facebook again, because i join bounty but do not get stakes. On my Facebook campaign statistics monitor at number 60. Please update again.
thank you
sr. member
Activity: 2590
Merit: 264
20BET - Premium Casino & Sportsbook
Another news of the day about the incredible achievements of MicroMoney:

Good day, everyone. Here is today’s update: over the past 24 hours we managed to bring in $776,380 in additional crowdfunding contributions. This brings our total to date $4,187,906. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this happen. Rest up, and let’s do it again tomorrow as we work towards our end goal of $30 million!
full member
Activity: 294
Merit: 100
acquisition of temporary UAHPAY preICO fund. = ........... BTC
ETH RAISED = .........
how much profit can be after pre-ico?
full member
Activity: 353
Merit: 100

Start Ico in 7 hours! How do you think how quickly they will collect money? ))

that's hardly to say ,but micromoney is promising project and reliable, i sure will join this project ,hope not later to join .
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 101
Nice pitch. But any fall back mechanism... Just incase cap isn't reached?
Activity: 324
Merit: 10
Truth about ICO -
MicroMoney ICO listed on

sr. member
Activity: 644
Merit: 250

Start Ico in 7 hours! How do you think how quickly they will collect money? ))
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
if you do not get the right amount, what are your actions? what are the guarantees of repayment? Wink

micromoney is promising project and reliable. i think micromoney price is fixed 1$ or above. that i just thinking. but micromoney price will go up because this project strategy is really amazing. micromoney contribute all over the world. this is the positive point i investing in this project.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
project idea too original
new version of getting knowledge about people from neighborhood merchants
will now use social networks  Wink
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