all us bag holder are getting annoyed that our investment are losing face value.
I don't want mineral to pump back up to 3000stat ( although that my break even price)
but can we at least focus trying to hold the price at 500 sat
just remember -
when POW the cost of mining Mineral was 450 sat
so any idiot that sell under this price will be losing
it is always a seller market , if we hold and say "F-U" my mineral are worth 1 BTC when some one want to buy them they will be force to pay it.
Dont give away your bitcoin to the whale.
just sold the rest of mine. it's over. Made some profit but not as much as I would have liked. No biggy lets move on
We may go with ESC, LOL and CSO to create something to save all of this coins...
we have no one to blame other then the miner
Miners dump anything to recover their costs .
incorrect , I rented and sold my mining cost + 10% , so i dont care if if it all blow up , and i am sure every one else mite of done the same , but now they have sold every thing it the miner fault