2) The Address containing the Social Bounty (50 000 MNM) : MuB3aRqv95kY8jJk9arvbWxm9HmjQ1f6ps
3) The Address containing the addtionnal bounties (100 000 MNM) : MiYC4WNRbQyrofnMfDaybg5wuRJVqFFcQW
The address containing the 51% of the share is in a locked wallet. You can follow this address to confirm that no move will be done for no reason.
The 2 others addresses contain the funds for bounties.
What are the additional bounties in the #3 - I do not see this balance amounting to 100K MNM in the OP. And balance of MiYC4WNRbQyrofnMfDaybg5wuRJVqFFcQW is now 0?
We are currently in the distribution of the bounties included in address #3.
As we mentionned many time, after every transaction, a new address is created to store the coins. At the end of the current bounty round, we will resend everything to the address.
As stated in the document released before the beginning of the ICO : https://mineum.org/documentation/mineum-ico-terms.pdf
Since the beginning of the idea, we bring some partners, collaborators and other third
parties to the project. Furthermore, some of them or others will be invited again to work
on some project with us. A total of 100 000 MNM will be reserved for these people.
This include, but is not limited to, translation, support, help, correction and development.
The remaining balance will be sent to the address after everything is sent