Wekkel it isn't any trader battle. Im not a trader. What is happening is one guy bought a lot of MOONs, and after that he is dumping scaring people and trying to rebuy at 30, of course he will dump again at 60. This is what is happening. Nothing related to traders battle, he wants to get the money from people who gets scared rebuying low and selling high, as all of the traders do with all of the coins.
Don't be pesimist Wekkel...
We came from 6 litoshi 22 September and now moving between 40-60 on 26 November. From 700% to 1000% in 2 months...
But if you sell, you are selling to him, and he will dump high again, etc... This is how they earn money. But each time he sell you must HOLD, and volume get dried each time, and his play will finish soon.
MOON is different because he will trapped of course. Enjoy seeing it from barrier and you will have success.
This trader battle isn't doing any good for trust. Battle of the whales....