Hi, well i must be honest, and when we will be on satoshi, i'll sell some of them, just to return investment in healthy way of course... but maybe a little tiny portion like 5-10% of my holdings, but you know, why sell at 1 satoshi if i can sell at 30 giving health to the market, but my real illusion is give a part of the investment to the community itself. The bounties for MOON project will attract big interest from developers and adopters. We need payment processors integrating mooncoins, and REAL shops accepting mooncoins. As well the world of tiping as reddcoin and doge is very interesting to spread Mooncoin. When we will be at satoshi market, i'll give big and suculent bounties for all of this subjects, you know 50M for this, 100M for that, etc...
All of this will give MORE attraction and REAL value for the coin... It is exactly the same when you invest in a company or project. You buy shares, but not only that, you buy shares and expend more money on the project itself to give it more value and adoption. Like for example a datacenter, you buy 30% of it, but it isn't buy and forgot, you can enlarge it, implement new operators, new workers, new offices, new cooling system, etc... and all of this is more money than just buy shares and forgot.
Exactly the same for MOON, if we are at 20 satoshi and i spend 1-2 billion on bounties for the project, the value will be HIGHER, and it will raise for sure, and more attract for me, more attract for developers, miners, investors and even the traders
As well for donation projects, we as community (not only me) could create donation for charity projects, for universities, astrology projects, everything related to stars, moon, etc... It as well will attract more potential buyers and investors based on ethical and moral concepts, we need people like me, who wants to invest for long time, but MANY of them, not just one guy buying everything, but you know... we have coins for everyone
I think this is the best way for this AMAZING coin that i really LOVE. Its like our baby, we as community create it and give it it breathe of life.
I hope you like my vision, and this is for what im working for. As many of other projects and companies im involved.
Wekkel i understand you, but we are here to support MOON, im in this boat since beginning, and i don't want to dump anything. You can easily know my address, and you can see me everyday here in the board, and as well buying on the wave and never selling. Selling right now is the worst decision
EDIT: As you can see on my last posts i allways said everything under 60 litoshi is cheap. Then right now we are positioning on stable price, but it doesn't means now is the time to sell. Im not here to sell. Now is the time to hold for long time, giving the coin maturity, developers and community positioning on the stock. As well i think little investors are better than big investors, because i know myself, but i don't know others... their intentions etc... But if big dumps comes i'll take more MOONs to give support as i did in the past
and lot of little investors will take their little piece of MOON as well.... As you can see everything is going on perfectly, little raising, becoming adoption, development in progress etc... Im very very happy with the workflow of the project.
Im not evaluating sell anything. I have many bussines and im not any kind of trader, but i understand you, trust on whatever you want. But the facts are the facts.
I will not rest until MOON have a REAL use. Its a matter of time people see what us... visionaries are seeing
PD: Put your address to receive a little MOONgift
, and you could see my address
I worry a bit about the large whales in Mooncoin. What if they suddenly dump?
i am a bit worried to :-) when you want to sell? :-)
i am on the train so not going to sell now.. want to see what happens when we hit the moon, wish i had more money to buy some more, i think we are going to see the satoshis again soon