edit: diff 462 :>
Dev fix the retarget ASAP
I think diff is working right it just jumps up when big hash is connected. It settles down when no hash increase is detected. Now it is back at 139 at the same 8.4GH
where do you see 8.4GH? In the wallet?
"networkhashps" : 925 365 110,
its 925MH 365KH 110H what the wallet report
Soon i will try the "lightning-fast" transaction (1 more confirmation to mature)
I think that the diff isn't working well because the diff is based only of the last solved block
Target timespan 6 minutes
Target spacing 6 minutes
If we solve 2 blocks for few seconds the third block will be solved after hours(or maybe even days), because of diff jumping
This cause now that stuck on block 30