maybe can add a traders list, to buy p2p some cryptos , and some good quality exchanges
Mining tech
the scroll line with crypto prices, competece its healty i like to see DNotes, BTC, LTC, BTS, XMR, DSH
Thanks infovortice!
How does everyone feel about adding a mining category? Will it help draw in more traffic or will it negate from the primary objective?
My personal opinion? If done well, it should add value to the site. I say that because most media outlets that cover the mining scene present it in a negative, almost childish light and that seems counter productive. Since many of us are small scale miners, it would be nice to have a professional, well managed section on mining.
We all need to remember, without miners, there is no coin.Also, Alan, you are, of course dead on with listening being the most important skill in business. If you don't take the time to learn the other persons point of view, how can you possibly negotiate? Give and take are what make deals possible. Anything forced will fall apart very quickly.
Anyway, yes, a mining section, well run with no sensational screaming headlines and stupid crap just to produce a word count would be great! Especially if you covered the little guys scene, like me!
Sorry RJF, my comment on unnecessary information probably came across in the wrong way.
Everyone here realizes how critical mining is, even me, the most un-tech person around. All I was thinking about was the target audience.
Dyna - "Our proposed new site is partly the result of this event. I came to the realization that many high level executives, including regulators and political leaders lack the time to learn about real issues confronting our industry. There is a serious "knowledge vacuum", causing significant confusion and loss of opportunities."
DNotes - "The intent will be to help educate our industry and regulators in a meaningful way. There are a multitude of problems we can address with this site from media to regulation and the general lack of understanding of our industry. Targeting busy political leaders and business executives."
I agree with TeeGee "The only requirement so far as I see it, is a good explanation of what mining is - so that business leaders can understand why their transactions are more secure, instant, and safe." Could this and whatever else is necessary information on mining for these executives and politicians come under the technology heading??
Just curious (as a non-miner), what else do you think executives and politicians would need to know about mining? Would they need, benefit from, or have time for, Mining 101?