Wiser, those are very good opinion worthy for our political to know or be reminded of. It is fair to say that most of our political leaders know very little about Bitcoin and digital currency but being politicians my bet is that they all have their opinion. We need to understand that often they don't know much and even don't want to know. How can we provide a medium to make it real easy for them, through "executive briefs" or combination of different formats to know what matters.
I can answer this in a very limited sense, only considering the content itself.
A lot of times, in my experience, decision makers of various kinds at least initially want to know the bottom line. That would be the idea, recommendation, or request diffused to its most simple form. It would be one or two sentences which just "tell it like it is." The bottom line does not get bogged down with explanations, proofs, and details.
If the bottom line is all a decision maker needs to know (i.e., he has full confidence in the information he's getting from this source), then anything more is burdensome.
But if he wants to know more, then the source has to be prepared with those explanations, proofs, details, reasons, etc.
So let's say we have a website that's going to be informative to politicians (decision makers).
I would have the website set up in several layers. The first layer (the top layer) that they will see the most readily is going to be that bottom line. One or two simple and well crafted sentences which tell it like it is.
At the bottom of the page containing the bottom line, there is a link for more information. If the decision maker needs that info, he will click on it. This will take him to another page that provides a bit more information. It would not be complete information, more like the bottom line more fleshed out. Maybe there are five or six sentences that give an initial explanation of the why.
That page too will have a link for more info or more details, and that will lead to a page containing a longer version.
I'm not sure how many layers you need, but the very last layer would have all the citations, proofs, plus the most detailed explanation possible--the whitepaper as it were. There may be occasions when reading all that would be necessary but I suspect with politicians that would be pretty rare. However, that info does have to be there because they might want their staff to read it and summarize it for them (we, of course, already have, but they trust their staff, not us).
So... for example...
your bottom line statement might say something like this: DNotes is the digital currency that is best positioned for global adoption.
If a politician is already convinced that such a thing is needed that may be all he needs to know. He's coming to the site with one question: "which is the best digital currency positioned for global adoption?" He learns that it's DNotes, and voila, he's informed.
But most likely he's going to have some questions, so he'll click on the more details tab. So the next page would say something like this (in the form of bullet points): Dnotes is the most stable digital currency. DNotes has consistently appreciated in value over time. DNotes owns valuable assets (CryptoMoms, Vault, CRISPs). DNotes is easy to use.
The next layer below that would expound a bit on each of these bullet points, perhaps by showing a chart or two of how DNotes' value compares to other leading digital currencies. You would provide direct links to those assets (proof that they indeed exist and aren't just a figment of our imagination).
Below that, you might include details about the strategic plan DNotes has followed to date and a time line which would also include as much info on future plans as you're comfortable sharing. You do need some, though.
Below that, you include your detailed whitepaper complete with technical specs and citations. For example, you've mentioned how you've observed unhealthy and destructive patterns in crypto projects. Here is where you link to actual forum postings (as well as links to postings on DNotes forum which handle a similar issue in a more positive non-destructive way). But anyway, this is where all your proof is. For a lot of people, just knowing the proof exists and is available for their perusal is enough. Some will want to pore through it to make sure it actually does lead to the conclusions you say it does.
The goal of all these layers is to easily inform decision makers at exactly the level at which they want to be informed and not burdening them with more details but at the same time assuring them that those details are very accessible should they ever be needed.