Hi guys. Great work on the Cryptomoms roll-out and the media releases.
I was wondering if we could review my adjusted new idea for a Share / visual stock type of setup for DNotes.I know pxlcoins beat me to the per pixel block type of setup, but what about more interesting block type of "Share" system for people buying visual stock either photo or video slot, or both. make it look neat like something like this
We could do this idea for Women's advertising or other things.
if we create some sort of grid system like that - that you could hover over images and have them pop out to you and see details I am sure it could spur interest, and desire to keep the investment of the DNotes having a much easier formula to purchase shares would make life easier too. Instead of custom squares where people have to do math, use equal shares with that visual style we would not have to make a set limited grid of total shares but could have the first centered part of screen be most valuable - like 100,000 Dnotes for a 1000x1000 pixel share
and let blocks off the first screen (blocks you would not have to move mouse to explore the gridscape) less costly, and block shares one whole screen away make those maybe 50,000 Dnotes and so on. people can keep their shares if they want or sell them off later on when value of the squares goes up. we could create a formula based on value of the DNotes, or number of DNotes locked in the "Shares"
Plus we could use the Dnotes that people pay into the shares, to Fund ideas or help promote or help people out.
(SO another part of this idea would be Say I want to buy a Share dead center of screen and support Make a wish - Not only do I get to put my own ad up for my own purpose, but maybe a shadow one that drops down below it for --- Make a wish in this example) also we could see if there would be a way to donate a % of the Dnotes for the given shares to various charity's through this system. This would Recycle donations and keep DNotes moving (instead of just relying on Charity mining to donate which over time will become more difficult)
I appreciate any feedback and hope after all that typing my idea did not go into the too long did not read category heh.