Mintpal - "Although the majority of new markets will come from the voting system, we reserve the right to add new markets outside of the system where we feel necessary". This could be our way onto Mintpal without having to give our voting fingers carpal tunnel syndrome. Whoever can vote, should still vote and whoever can afford even a small amount of Bitcoin can vote that way. I bet the Crypto Moms will be great voters! If Mintpal can see how much support there is behind DNotes, we may get picked because of our movement to get women into cryptocurrencies. When we get a little bit of momentum in the voting, I will start contacting Mintpal to state our case (and I won't stop). I think Mintpal is a great exchange, I have never had any problems with it, and it is really important for women (who generally are a little more risk adverse), to have a reliable exchange to buy DNotes on.