Neutron's history
Neutron was originally created as a SHA-256 POW/POS coin in april 2015.
After being abandoned by their developer, a new team started a take over a few weeks after the coin was released.
The new team released a roadmap, which consisted of 7 phases. Phase 1 would be the implementation of masternodes.
They succesfully implemented the masternodes (Nuclei as they are called) into the new wallets.
But, once the masternodes were active, the new team fell apart, and the community members were abondoned to their fate once again...
Neutron's Future
A small, but combative, group of NTRN holders decided not to give up on NTRN yet...3th times the charm?
That's why a new take over is in the make, ETA 15/08/2015.
The new fundamentals:
1. Transparency --> No more hiding behind newly created accounts, no more empty promises. We will be as open and honest in our communication as possible!
2. PR --> or as Bill Gates would say:
"If I only had two dollars left, I would spend one on PR."
3. Adoption --> We will focus on massive adoption instead of "hocus pocus features".
Neutron needs to become a widespread,worldwide accepted,decentralized digital currency with low transaction costs.
I will be posting future updates under the "Neutron Updates" section.
Neutron Updates
Our first priority is getting the whole team together and making sure we have everything covered (Strategy, PR, wallet development, website development, graphic designs,...).
Since we believe transparency is an important factor in a potential succes story, all team members will be mentioned under the tab " Team Members". The first names will be posted there soon!
If you would like to be part of the team, please send me a pm with you skill set and the country you live in.
Team Members
Goldmaxx - Belgium - strategy & PR
EBK1000 - Uk - development & website
More to be added
Social Media
Block Explorer
Coin Specifications
- Block Time: 79 seconds
- Coinbase maturity: 90 blocks
- Hi-PoS
- RPC port: 32000
- P2P port: 32001
- No premine or ICO
- No istamine
- PoW generated about 1.000.000 coins
- PoS kicked in @ block 500
- PoS reward: 30 NTRN (halving every 1m blocks)
- 1 Masternode (Nucleus) = 25.000 NTRN
Bounty Section
Community Wallet
Community wallet addresses:
NTRN: 9fXxiryqfpnU5nsfaWjs2ro43XXidruQLf
BTC: 1H5eudZBV5xcsv3qLUTjuHBmEeaQPxuV2n
I made, as promised, a 25K donation to this wallet to start with.
If you make a donation, please send me a PM with the exact amount, so I can keep track of donations made.
Incoming transactions
1. 25.000 NTRN - Goldmaxx
3. 1.400 NTRN danbhfd
4. 2000 NTRN Digitalgrow
5. 5000 NTRN Lovethecoins
Outgoing transactions
1. 1000 NTRN - Portuguese translation
2. 1000 NTRN - Russian translation
3. 1000 NTRN - Chinese translation
4. 1000 NTRN - Spanish translation