When will you actually do something?
Not post links to mediums or telegrams or graphics. Like make some progress. Hurry up. Thanks!
Hi IhateICOs,
You can monitor the progress here:
1. Gitlab - https://gitlab.com/oax
2. Mockups - https://modao.cc/flows/InUGhKMaeHp7XgJDYv1yweIAKLJ8u0N
3. Developers journal - https://www.notion.so/Journals-a1c1a14d8aa84fceb648a33ad8211791
Thanks standards! I'm trying to do my best to keep OAX community well-informed.
Dvd1989, the prototype release is planned on Q2 2018.
"Delivery of the 1st Phase of OAX project - Q1 2018"
You may check pages 26-27 with detailed road-map in this Liam's Moscow presentation:
In English - https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://static.notion-static.com/fd96b28bb836480587303e78e2aebbd6/Russia_Deck_V2_optimized.pdf
In Russian - https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://static.notion-static.com/fe757644018248ae975928fdb6d6239c/Russia_Deck_V2_RU_language_V2_optimized.pdf
Hey, Zono, glad to see you here again. So, what is "C"? Any ideas?)