I just noticed my newb questions from this thread made it into the FAQ at the OKCash website. I feel so.....included.
I've been offline for a few months, but when I came back online, I noticed there was a new wallet version. I updated that, and it recognizes my balance, but I seem to be having trouble catching up. It was running for a day or so and seemed to be stuck at about 85%. I downloaded the bootstrap, put the file in the wallet folder, and started it again but I haven't seen any change in the last day or so. You think I should just let it go for a few days and see what happened, or does anyone know of any other tricks to try?
Very nice questions indeed, theyve helped a lot of new users already,
so is like if you never left
About your wallet,
1) make a backup of your wallet.dat
2) download the OK instant chain from
http://bit.ly/OKchain3) delete everything in you /okcash/ datadir folder except for the wallet.dat file
4) unzip the content of InstantOKchain11022016.zip into the /okcash/ datadir folder
5) start okcash and let it sync (will take some minutes, it autosync to feb 11th (will update march chain on the weekend)
Welcome Back!