Guys,whats happening with staisybit and OKcash
No more stakes!extraction
Seemingly slowing down, but I think there are huge "entries" in those "first" wallets that have accumulated a lot of weight... see below.
OKcash is seemingly "held hostage" on staking by a few whales (!extraction)... 10 addresses are taking 84% of the stakes, with the first 2 richest ones gulping 61% of the total stake.
It seems to me that there is needed a better distribution.
Relying exclusively on "cloud staking" is not the best way, I think.
ROKOS is a chance to change that.
I think when I looked the stats had changed. I do know that the #1 and #2 addresses (same owner) were not staking for about 30 to 60 days, so when they came back online, they've got a lot of weight built up. By the time I checked, the next 8 addresses for extraction ranged 5 to 47 on rich list. I know with POSv3 the orphans will be decreases dramatically, its worth discussing though, and I definitely appreciate the observations.
Also, I think that StaisyBit's staking script(s) are optimizing for total weight... and there are too few coins in their staking wallet to "compete" with the huge weight of the aforementioned "first" wallets. Also, they seem to be working on some very secret and hyped service and/or feature and lack the time to answer to clients/customers (an unpleasant "feature" of theirs, if anyone cares)...
Anyway, as long as the coins are there and nothing wrong happens, one must keep in mind that staking is like interest on a deposit, with the main difference that the "interest" is payed to the rich first and there are not such (legitimate) ways to get more coins than the coin's "interest rate" would give you for a specified amount of time.
In StaisyBit's case, the 59th position on the rich list gives the promise that staking would generate coins with the minimum of resources spent (CPU cycles == power == money), so they seem to "lock" (or maybe even take "off-line") the wallet(s) if the calculated weight is too low compared to the big whales out there.
[Rambling mode: off]