New OKCash Info site and Preregistration for businesses into the OK CoinMap (orig thread):,1900.0.html
Info: - OK Your Day!We are proud to present you the first real world OKCash project leaded by the German will teach people very fast and shortly how to get,
use and accept OKCash as payment so that everybody will be able within minutes to be part of the OKCash experience.
The first project coming up is the
OKCash Map, where you will be able to find all places to spend your OKCash to acquire goods and services around the world.
Preregistration is now open!
You can register your business under
PREREGISTER and also sign up for the Newsletter (Just click on "
We are happy to tell you that there are already 3 different kind of businesses where you will be able to spend your OKCash.
1. Web development
2. Silver & gold store
3. LED-Lights shop that preregistered already.
The silver & gold store and the LED store are no huge stores,
but that's what we are heading for in the first place.
The marketcap is still very low so in the start it's the best to have low cost products from small stores.
This is where we are coming to the point where community can help!In the
PREREGISTER form we added a field saying "
How did you find out about OKcash?" and "
Referred by a community member?".
So if you start teaching small businesses about OKCash and get them interested, they can add your community name (Discord Name, maybe discord ID).
Your work will be recognized and you will get some OK for that.
Some community members said that they could help with some marketing, here is the chance!
Spreading the word is in our best interest.
I know there are a lot of great individuals here, that got the right skills to make OK the big accepted currency of the future.
In the meanwhile we are working to set up all the important tools businesses will need,
if you would like to help with this just shoot me a message:
1. Integration tools in all kind of online stores (Opencart tool already under development)
2. Android and IOS wallet (There are already set up some bounties, and don't forget to vote here of course: )
3. OK-Webwallet (we will set up an bounty for that also)
4. Explaining video for businesses, how and why to accept OKCash. With voice over (Just talk to okorator or CGB if you are the man for this!)
The video will be added to the page once done.
And of course shoot us your ideas, join the project! Let's build it together, I am always happy when somebody wants to be a part of this.
Don't forget to contact Oktoshi or one of the community leaders every time you get a great idea for OKCash that you would like some help with for making it real.
Special thanks to Demartini for being part of the project and setting up the site!
PREREGISTRATION OPEN NOW. Have a great day Oktoshians!