24Kt in your wallet is "Gold" Redeemable in Gold bullion at any time you desire or in any other form with the same value as the amount of gold in your wallet!
The problem you're going to run into is that crypto is not "supposed" to be backed by something with a relatively stable value. Yes, gold fluctuates often, but the volatility of gold is nothing compared to the volatility of crypto. Not only that, but you may have a difficult time convincing miners and traders to keep your token's value relative with the price of gold. The fair market is going to dominate and people will want to be able to trade their 24K for BTC, even if it means taking a loss or selling for less than the Gold/24K value.
Just to be clear, OroCoin is not "backed" by gold. We took a unique approach on purpose. Instead, we use the price of gold to dictate the block reward. Not the value of the block reward, but the actual number of OroCoin given as a block reward. In other words, the only thing pegged to the price of gold is the number of OroCoin received as a block reward, not the actual market value of those coins.
Theoretically, the relationship between the price of gold and the block reward of OroCoin should, at least to an extent, result in an inverse correlation with the value of existing OroCoins on the market, and a direct correlation with the value of mining OroCoin. These two effects, along with the "fair market value" effect, should balance each other out nicely to insure a bottom line value, but also allow the market volatility to dictate the day to day price, as a cryptocurrency should be