I'm not familiar with the concepet of endiannes. After relooking at the code, I had made a typo on the class name
This coin is new to Abe. Please follow the example "datadir" syntax in abe.conf, and add datadir = [{....}] to your abe-mysql.conf file. If the currency is scrypt-based, it may need more changes discussed recently in this thread.
Well I modified the Chain.py file as I did for FairCoin (it worked for FairCoin) so the abe-mysql.conf file would be a better option on the perspective of future upgrades, but the specs of the GrowthCoin blockchain were indeed entered. I will revert this to the config file when I sorted out the issue.
Meanwhile I triple checked the code and found that I made a typo on the class name.
That being said, I have another issue now. This time with the address version
root@grw:~/bitcoin-abe# python -m Abe.abe --config /home/abe/abe-mysql.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve
Abe/DataStore.py:536: Warning: Converting column 'a' from VARCHAR to TEXT
Abe/DataStore.py:536: Warning: Converting column 'b' from VARCHAR to TEXT
Abe/DataStore.py:536: Warning: Converting column 'test_varbit' from VARCHAR to TEXT
Created silly table abe_dual
Abe/DataStore.py:536: Warning: Converting column 'txout_scriptPubKey' from VARCHAR to TEXT
Abe/DataStore.py:536: Warning: Converting column 'txin_scriptSig' from VARCHAR to TEXT
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
"__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
File "/root/bitcoin-abe/Abe/abe.py", line 2276, in
File "/root/bitcoin-abe/Abe/abe.py", line 2270, in main
store = make_store(args)
File "/root/bitcoin-abe/Abe/abe.py", line 153, in make_store
store = DataStore.new(args)
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 3446, in new
return DataStore(args)
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 181, in __init__
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 1262, in initialize
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 1301, in insert_chain
chain.name, chain.decimals))
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 523, in sql
store._execute(cached, params)
File "Abe/DataStore.py", line 500, in _execute
store.cursor.execute(stmt, params)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 174, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1048, "Column 'chain_address_version' cannot be null")
if I decode the address, this is what I get
root@grw:~/bitcoin-abe# python -m Abe.abe --query /q/decode_address/GTjYKganLhDtMTcWCinzbQZpsrSjXfB29m
and this is my GrowthCoin class
class GrowthCoin(NvcChain):
def __init__(chain, **kwargs):
chain.name = 'GrowthCoin'
chain.code3 = 'GRW'
chain.address_version = "\x26"
chain.magic = "\xa5\xef\xdb\xfd"
Chain.__init__(chain, **kwargs)
datadir_conf_file_name = "GrowthCoin.conf"
datadir_rpcport = 17178
I also added CHAIN_CONFIG = [{"chain":"GrowthCoin"}] in the DataStore.py file...
Everything looks ok, what could be the issue?