Hi all,
Announcing my new project.. Bitcoin Counsel
Primarily its a business directory of all the Bitcoin related businesses that are available. I know we have quite a few similar sites already, thebitcoinreview.com being one of the largest but what sets this new site apart from the rest is I intend to form a small counsel of trusted Bitcoin enthusiasts to assist with maintaining an up to date database and offer revenue sharing to that counsel.
My vision is the counsel will be able to provide an accurate but diverse view of our economy. I also hope to put individual counsel members in a position to maintain seperate categories and benefit from greater revenue if they bring in more visitors to their category.
Using click counts and Counsel member rankings etc i'm hoping the Top20 charts will start to show an accurate list of high quality and reliable businesses where you can spend your hard earned bitcoins.
I have a few different models for advertising on the site, just check the services page for more details. Nothing is automated as yet but if you want to start advertising now just PM me here and we can set something up manually until the automated system is in place.
If your interested in being a member of the counsel, get in contact.
So please, check it out, let me know what you think. report bugs, provide feedback, ways to improve etc.