I ran into a task (32 pts) where it had part 1,2,3 and then the same exact part 1,2,3 right after. Is that an accuracy test or..? I'm using chrome if that's relavent. Also another task's instructions, I think a 'is this a good image advert' one, tried to imbed a pdf as an image and it didn't work so I had to view source on it.
There's definitely some cruft, junk, and glitching in some of the tasks, which have often been assembled from bulk data collection efforts. When these recur to the level of fouling the whole task, you should feel free to report them via the top-rght dropdown 'Help' -> 'Send Feedback', which can reach the task authors and task-assignment system. If you include your 'Contributor ID' (also under the same 'Help' drop-down) the team which handles that feedback can look up your history when investigating.
I also think it's a bit weird to automatically send you on to the next task without telling you. People like knowing they completed something before they have to start the next task.
I agree. That part of the interface comes from the task back-end, and I'm guessing it's been optimized for both the 'power contributor' who just wants to motor through things, and the task-provider, who doesn't want to distract someone who's just been trained-up. (To a large extent, all the different tasks-on-offer are competing with each other for contributor attention.) The person who wants to pause and consider different next steps for a moment? Not the intended audience.
I also think it'd be cool (and good business) to have a leaderboard like system where you show "Look at all the BTC other people are earning!" so more people get involved.
Leaderboards can have mixed effects. The fact that all working is public is an important parallel to the public-ness of the global blockchain... but I wouldn't want top workers to be singled out for possible interference (by reusing their addresses) from mischief-making observers.
There will eventually be some highlighting of top-earners/top-earning-periods, maybe limited to secured 'Extended Address' workers, or workers who opt-in. (Maybe I should just report generalities: "The top earner today made Xbtc. N workers made over Ybtc. You are the Nth highest earner in the last 7 days." Would that be interesting?)
You could use the new 'sign message' feature in .6.0 to have people sign a message saying "I own this public address and coinworker.com can use it to identify me" and then use the verification address as a password or something, and let them use that to set their payment threshold.
That's a great idea. I'm still on 0.5.2 as released... what's the best source for information about this new signing feature?