I have bought a Trezor and want it to connect to my Electrum wallet, but i can only find tutorials with Trezor and creating a new wallet. So i have a few questions:
- Can i use Trezor with excisting Electrum wallet?
Better not. The Electrum wallet on your computer is a file that contains private keys that may have been compromised by the simple fact that they were inside a file sitting on your computer... The private keys in your Trezor will never see the light of day. You invested $100 to safeguard your bitcoins? Start on the right foot - create new private keys. To do so, initialize your Trezor with
mytrezor.com (write your seed words !). Now that you have created your private keys inside your Trezor, let Electrum know of your corresponding public keys: Start Electrum, and create a new wallet (File --> New/Restore --> give a name to your new Electrum/Trezor "public" wallet --> Create New Wallet & Hardware Wallet --> Initialize a new Wallet & Trezor). Electrum will create a new Trezor wallet on your computer, but it will contain only public information, like public keys and transaction information - no private keys whatsoever - the private keys always remain within the Trezor H/W.
A transfer of your old Electrum wallet BTC to the new Trezor addresses, using the bitcoin network, is the best "transfer" solution.
- If not, can i create a new wallet with Electrum and Trezor and that it creates 2000 new btc addresses again? If so, how can i do that?
You failed to mention why you would need 2000 addresses - You obviously have a special requirement that you didn't explain. Electrum/Trezor will function the same way that Electrum alone functioned, and it will create new keys as required (beyond the initial 20 addresses), once you used them up. If you really want 2000 new BTC addresses from the start, you can increase the gap limit from default 20 addresses to 2000. But if you do - be careful about recovering from seed - make sure you write next to your seed words that you did that.
So if you really really have to create 2000 addresses from the start - do this in the Electrum console tab:
... and then check the long list of addresses in the Address tab. But again, if you recover your wallet from seed and don't increase the gap limit again to 2000, you will think that you are missing some bitcoins - don't complain!
The private key of electrum is in form of file right? But if we set password it will be encrypted right?
So is it really safe using electrum? or should I remove my electrum completely so I do not have to change my private key