--threads 8 --url --userpass
[2011-10-15 19:34:30] HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 403
[2011-10-15 19:34:30] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
403 is bad credentials. You don't need to change the URL. Check your username though. Did you register? You have to register first, that way you can set up your payout threshold and stuff first.
Please also, change your scan time, --s 6 is way fast for a pool with pushpool enabled!
Hehe, I just changed my username into rubbish to test and got an 403.
So credentials is the answer.
You say that like you didn't trust me. 403 = bad credentials. Ripper, if you want to PM me your account address I can cut and paste a string for you into PM. I'm almost wondering if you forgot to register because the _1:1 format is spot on.