so, it was, how does the Pool API works?, since i can get anything from my pools to be shown
Well, here goes - feel free to skip the parts you already know.
First you need to login to your pool account and figure out your pool API key, and the link to retrieve your pool data. Most pools display this link somewhere in the account settings. Then you can use your browser to visit this link and observe the structure. You'll probably be interested in two values:
1. unpaid amount (the amount you can cash out from the pool) - something like "confirmed_reward"
2. paid amount (the amount you cashed out already) - something like "payout_history"
Now, to configure the gadget.
Go to the gadget configuration. You'll probably want to choose the mining presets and click Apply. This uses default settings for more miner-friendly setup. Then, to configure the pool go to Pool #1 section. Here's where you should enter your pool API URL. You also need to enter at least one JSON key (the keys of the unpaid and paid amounts). The process is the same for the second and third pool.
There is also one other important setting under General section - correction amount. This is any amount that you wish to add (or subtract) to the amount being displayed.
Let me give a few examples.
1. You wish to know how much USD you have tied in the pool. You enter your pool API and unpaid JSON key. You leave correction amount at 0. The gadget now displays the amount you can cash out. Exchange is configured by default (BTC-E) but you can use another - check gadget page for instructions how to configure Vircurex (or any other exhange).
2. Maybe you want to display how much you've mined in total? Start with the settings in example 1 and add paid JSON key. Now the gadget will sum both paid and unpaid LTC from the pool, and convert it to USD.
3. Now, you've probably sold some of your LTC, or bought some LTC, and the example 2 is not really the exact sum of LTC you have in your wallet. That's what correction is for - sum all your payments except those related to the pool, and enter the amount you get in the correction field. That should give you the exact amount you have in your wallet, plus the amount that's still unpaid - that is, your LTC worth in USD.
As you can see, the gadget is very configurable and you can make it display almost anything you want - although it takes a bit to get to know different APIs.