BCB, thank you very much... I have never been so close
But I please you to pardon my noobness : may I ask you what is incorrect in my code?
define('MTGOX_KEY' , 'sdsfdfyssfd-sfdsdf-dsfdfds-fdsdfsfds-fddfsfsd');
define('MTGOX_SECRET', 'fdsgfgffftgrgretzt3355353tet5trr5353');
class MtGox_API
function __construct($key, $secret)
$this->key = MTGOX_KEY;
$this->secret = MTGOX_SECRET;
function query($path, array $req = array())
// generate a nonce as microtime, with as-string handling to avoid problems with 32bits systems
$mt = explode(' ', microtime());
$req['nonce'] = $mt[1].substr($mt[0], 2, 6);
// generate the POST data string
$post_data = http_build_query($req, '', 'name=sandy67&pass=lovebitcoins84');
// generate the extra headers
$headers = array('Rest-Key: ' . $this->key,
'Rest-Sign: '. base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha512', $post_data, base64_decode($this->secret), true)));
// our curl handle (initialize if required)
static $ch = null;
if (is_null($ch)) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MtGox PHP client; '.php_uname('s').'; PHP/'.phpversion().')');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '
https://mtgox.com/api/' . $path);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, ABSPATH . "/cert/facacbc6.0");
// run the query
$res = curl_exec($ch);
if ($res === false) throw new Exception('Could not get reply: ' . curl_error($ch));
$dec = json_decode($res, true);
if (!$dec) throw new Exception('Invalid data received, please make sure connection is working and requested API exists');
return $dec;
function get_info()
return self::query('0/info.php');
// * 0/getFunds.php
// Get your current balance
https://mtgox.com/api/0/getFunds.php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function get_funds()
return self::query('0/getFunds.php');
// * 0/buyBTC.php
// Place an order to Buy BTC
// POST data: amount=#&price=#
// returns a list of your open orders
function buy_btc($amount, $price)
return self::query('0/buyBTC.php',
array('amount' => $amount,
'price' => $price));
// * 0/sellBTC.php
// Place an order to Sell BTC
// POST data: &amount=#&price=#
// returns a list of your open orders
function sell_btc($amount, $price)
return self::query('0/sellBTC.php',
array('amount' => $amount,
'price' => $price));
// * 0/getOrders.php
// Fetch a list of your open Orders
// returned type: 1 for sell order or 2 for buy order
// status: 1 for active, 2 for not enough funds
function get_orders()
return self::query('0/getOrders.php');
// * 0/cancelOrder.php
// Cancel an order
// POST data: oid=#&type=#
// oid: Order ID
function cancel_order($orderid)
return self::query('0/cancelOrder.php',
array('oid' => $orderid));
// * 0/redeemCode.php
// Used to redeem a mtgox coupon code
// call with a post parameter "code" containing the code to redeem
// it will return an array with amount (float amount value of code), currency (3 letters, BTC or USD), reference (the transaction id), and status
function deposit_coupon($code)
return self::query('0/redeemCode.php',
array('code' => $code));
// * 0/withdraw.php
// withdraw / Send BTC
// POST data: group1=BTC&btca=bitcoin_address_to_send_to&amount=#
// pass btca parameter to withdraw to a btc adress
// pass group1 for a coupon : BTC2CODE or USD2CODE
// pass group1=DWUSD for a dwolla withdraw
// return code and status if successful
function withdraw_btc_coupon($amount)
return self::query('0/withdraw.php',
array('group1' => 'BTC2CODE',
'amount' => $amount));
function withdraw_fiat_coupon($amount, $currency = CURRENCY)
return self::query('0/withdraw.php',
array('group1' => 'USD2CODE',
'amount' => $amount,
'Currency' => $currency)); // has to have capital 'C'; $currency = 'AUD' works
// * 0/btcAddress.php
// get a bitcoin deposit adress for your account
// returns a bitcoin deposit address
function get_btc_address()
return self::query('0/btcAddress.php');
// * 0/history_[CUR].csv
// Allows downloading your activity history for a given currency (BTC or USD for now).
https://mtgox.com/api/0/history_BTC.php //
https://mtgox.com/api/0/history_USD.php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function get_btc_history()
return self::query('0/history_BTC.csv'); /* doesn't work */
function get_usd_history()
return self::query('0/history_USD.csv'); /* doesn't work */
$inst = new MtGox_API();
echo '
' . print_r($inst->get_funds(),true) . '
... I got the following errors :
Warning: Missing argument 1 for MtGox_API::__construct(), called in myserver.com/json.php on line 211 and defined in myserver.com/json.php on line 9
Warning: Missing argument 2 for MtGox_API::__construct(), called in myserver.com/json.php on line 211 and defined in myserver.com/json.php on line 9
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Could not get reply: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: ABSPATH/cert/facacbc6.0 CApath: none ' in myserver.com/json.php:42 Stack trace: #0 myserver.com/json.php(63): MtGox_API->query('0/getFunds.php') #1 myserver.com/json.php(213): MtGox_API->get_funds() #2 {main} thrown in myserver.com/json.php on line 42