xxxx@ubuntu:/var/www/html/rpc-ace-via/extras$ php tally.php tally.txt373652 blocks ... 1000 (tx# 999) 1200 (tx# 1199) PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/rpc-ace-via/extras/tally.php on line 56
aborted - 1199 transactions through 1 unique addresses counted
I tried tallying Viacoin on my dev system (PHP5.6/OS X) and my two test systems (PHP5.6/FreeBSD and PHP5.5.4/Mint~Ubuntu) and it works perfectly on all three setups, no hiccups:
380101 blocks ... 1000 (tx# 999) 2000 (tx# 1999) 3000 (tx# 2999)
379000 (tx# 483117) 380000 (tx# 484442) done! 484569 transactions through 96909 unique addresses counted
VbWdvrSjUcNmXbzcV8RoM1NmJNGXLk6f8h 2500000
VvFp7K6JH2tpEdCWDqKoZSHYFPzCYpQHRE 1500000.018
Via2XCHoqQxACVuXf4vrajVDJetwVgxLMz 1087512.7926959
Vi1CCHqqeAwxaKTmvLeY9FVNG4QMW1GFex 507061.96643365
VboG1dsDJfFD83M6fMtftfLfMXmLEe5KQV 254000
VutuLs7wbpWbmHby7gZVtL18FRvi3Jc34e 253399.998
VaXuoUBVpN671ynbNQ4Lno86MEfYXhqn76 204856.8025629
VbckMJ2iuWs9QCwtHAnUczZKTyqfgJ6jtJ 200000
Vn6XAtzqpYbWdpsVPGMAma8HivZo9vd3t4 199449.998
VqPrpeAYGGrkDtWqZ7i71LrnaQhaAH5di3 186871.35337862
Vkco4M3ZagejS8LAzXWh14D2B3L1sGi1ZG 179439.61787044
I'm not sure what "empty RPC calls" mean. Inspecting individual blocks in the Viacoin chain I don't see anything out of the ordinary. All blocks (including blocks 1-9999) contain coinbases and legitimate transactions with inputs and outputs, and even if they amount to 0 coins this doesn't affect anything.
With the risk of sounding like a broken record, I suspect that you didn't build the block chain with full transaction indexing from the start, as the instructions demand. It's not enough to just add "txindex=1" in your viacoin.conf and start the daemon/wallet up again - you need to remove the entire block chain and rebuild it from scratch, from block 0, with txindex=1 set already from the start.