"Peers gain reputation in a similar manner as FreeNets: firstly, be apart of a FN that creates a block; secondly, the peer must be present and sign the new Primary Block at the time of creation—and a point of reputation is gained. Peer reputation is used as a minimum requirement to join more reputable FreeNets. "
OK, you are going to have to acknowledge that the version I started with stressed at the beginning at some human paid to start a TrustNet. Got the privilege of naming the TrustNet. And could invite his (presumably Trusted) friends et. al. to join his new TrustNet.
In that scenario, it doesn't make a lick of sense to say, Hey Bill let me tell you about EnCoin... Fire up a peer, join someone else's shitty TrustNet until you build up enough Trust to join my TrustNet, then maybe I'll Trust you enough to let you in.
Really, when I read it, I figured it was a caveat to keep the rabble out of the Network you had paid money to start and were busy investing money in building.
"While the payout structure itself is TBD, the biggest, fastest hashing machine will not be rewarded as much as they would hope. It will be based on a set percentage given to the final placement of each peer’s best hash value. For example: you could throw the biggest super computer in the world in a FreeNet, but if the winning hash value only gets 20% of the pot, this supercomputer is subsidizing everyone else in that FreeNet.
So this encourages people to simply use their normal, everyday computer for making coins. There is little incentive to build a massive, 4x GPU machine to mint coins faster. It will not benefit you much, and the costs of the hardware may take years to recoup."
OK, I did read "best hash value" as something figuring into the ranking. But ranking hashes didn't make a lick of sense. I presumed you wanted to do some sort of non-linear distribution (value only gets 20%) based upon each peer's Trust (Reputation/Placement/Rank).
You appear to have been serious about what I called non-sense. So let's discuss it. How could you possibly rank random numbers over time? If I have a supercomputer and I generated one block. You have a busted old 386 and you generate one block. Then the hashes of these blocks have are randomly distributed across the difficulty range. You can rank the blocks based on this randomness and say the 386 wins this time. But the overall distribution is still 50-50 as we repeat this exercise.
The goal here seems to be to keep the supercomputer from gaining a minting advantage. So just say all member of the group participating in the PB get an equal share. Maybe you mean minting members. I'm not sure sure. But that's not important. If the distribution isn't equal, and it isn't based on RP, what is it based on?
I realize there is a lot to take in, but this did have its own sub-section under the section "Energy Equilibrium", something that might sound like required reading before arguing that the system has major flaws. Someone getting 3mh/s for 200W is going to be subsidizing someone getting 2mh/s for 220W, and in the end this cancels out someone getting 2mh/s for 180W.
I don't know if you meant that as a light tease, but I'm going to take it that way. Then I'm going to work some math to show you are wrong.
Say you are at a difficulty level with 31 leading zeros. That means you have a 50% chance of generating a block in 2^30 hash tries. Sure someone could generate the block on their 1st try or it might take all the way to the 2^31st try. But it averages out to 2^30 Hashes. Note: a block's units are hashes, not hashes/second.
So if m=2^20 then,
1mh/s will take 2^10 seconds (on average) to complete a block. 17 minutes, 0.28 hour.
2mh/s will take half the time, 8.5 minutes, 0.14 hour.
3mh/s will take one third the time, 5.66 minutes, 0.09 hour.
3mh/s for 200W * 0.09 hour = 18.0 Wh/block
2mh/s for 220W * 0.14 hour = 30.8 Wh/block
2mh/s for 180W * 0.14 hour = 25.2 Wh/block
If each of the peers (on average) gets an equal share for doing equal work. Then the most efficient in electrical cost (Wh/block) Wins! Again, electrical efficiency has nothing to do with (h/s).
Anyways, one of the reasons I want to randomize freenets more is so that there can't be a freenet of just 190W people or one supercomputer and a bunch of duds. You can't know who you're up against, so you don't have data to manipulate the system.
This seem to acknowledge you recognize what I'm saying as true. But you are ACTIVELY trying to make the more electrically efficient subsidize the less electrically efficient.
It can't be done.
All your logic presumes that someone who is generating a block every 5.66 minutes will, WILLINGLY do more work than those generating a block every 8.5 minutes. This is a bad presumption. Each peer has access to the historical record. Each knows the exact the results of his fellow peer's productivity. If an efficient peer endeavors only to be average in blocks, he wins in DOLLARS!
There is a
whole famous book about why your philosophy is a bad idea. Give it a quick read. It's awesome!