
Topic: [ANNOUNCING] DRACO "Vergilia Condfidums" Pow/Pos NO ICO/IPO SHA256 [ANNOUNCING] - page 7. (Read 23642 times)

hero member
Activity: 668
Merit: 500
drumroll.....add a couple of guitars and we'll have a show
Activity: 1080
Merit: 1000
BTC - 14ZVqS5UGqhY77d5u9aUSW24ipRJ2g9wmm
Damn its quiet in this section...... No body likes DRACO ??
Activity: 1080
Merit: 1000
BTC - 14ZVqS5UGqhY77d5u9aUSW24ipRJ2g9wmm
Activity: 1080
Merit: 1000
BTC - 14ZVqS5UGqhY77d5u9aUSW24ipRJ2g9wmm
Wel leuk al die Nederlanders on this forum.

I love it! Grin

Sie spricht auch deutsch?

Sprechen ja... Aber im schrift........ Nein Tongue
hero member
Activity: 594
Merit: 500
Blockchain entrepreneur✔
Wel leuk al die Nederlanders on this forum.

I love it! Grin

Sie spricht auch deutsch?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Getting Multilingual in here. Love It  Grin
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Dan begin ik toch gewoon in het nederlands haha als we zo gaan doen

Google Translate is DOWN  Grin Grin Grin
Activity: 1080
Merit: 1000
BTC - 14ZVqS5UGqhY77d5u9aUSW24ipRJ2g9wmm
Dan begin ik toch gewoon in het nederlands haha als we zo gaan doen
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1000
Twitter @Acimirov
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Я не хотел купить. Я хотел на бирже разместить данный коин ). Так сказать продвинуть в массы. Сейчас ПОСеров больше чем майнеров.
hero member
Activity: 635
Merit: 500
Хех, спекулируем? мне интересен рынок а не продажи на талке -) извини.

Дык, ты вроде писал, что хочешь купить, по крайней мере, насколько я смог
перевести твой английский  Grin. Хотя, если честно, сам не очень люблю торговать
через форум.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Are wishing to buy DRACO to occupy POS mining -))

Могу продать DRACO. Если интересно, пиши - сколько хочешь и почем
А сколько можешь предложить?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Are wishing to buy DRACO to occupy POS mining -))

Могу продать DRACO. Если интересно, пиши - сколько хочешь и почем

More people wishing to set a price off exchanges  Grin Grin that's   Cool
hero member
Activity: 635
Merit: 500
Are wishing to buy DRACO to occupy POS mining -))

Могу продать DRACO. Если интересно, пиши - сколько хочешь и почем
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Top address it is good. Need exchange. Mining is very hard (((

Just over 4300 blocks left then Proof Of Stake will Kick in  Wink

Why POS coins without knowing its value? Sorry, bad english.. Russia -)

Bit lost here. I know the value of Pos % as it was me who set it. do you mean you do not know the value. Or are you talking of an actual sale price ?

and no worries Me like RUSSIAN'S  Grin
I mean that not knowing the price has no meaning POS mining.

The meaning for Proof Of Stake has 0 to do with the price. Proof Of Stake is there as another method of creating blocks with less energy needing to be used.  Therefore anybody with a coin can stake instead of renting or pointing there miners and using how much electric.

The Reason we chose to have proof of stake.

1. we don't rely just on miners any more to find blocks
2. the blocks will be found faster.
3. Staking rewards those who hold coins.
4. Why not have a way for people to earn interest with them keeping said currency in their wallet. (Banks offer Interest but it always has a catch) We offer it and all you have to do is have your wallet open with funds in.

The Price will be Linked to what YOU the user wishes it to be nothing else. Just like fiat money it is only worth what you believe not what you are being told Wink

Are wishing to buy DRACO to occupy POS mining -))
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Top address it is good. Need exchange. Mining is very hard (((

Just over 4300 blocks left then Proof Of Stake will Kick in  Wink

Why POS coins without knowing its value? Sorry, bad english.. Russia -)

Bit lost here. I know the value of Pos % as it was me who set it. do you mean you do not know the value. Or are you talking of an actual sale price ?

and no worries Me like RUSSIAN'S  Grin
I mean that not knowing the price has no meaning POS mining.

The meaning for Proof Of Stake has 0 to do with the price. Proof Of Stake is there as another method of creating blocks with less energy needing to be used.  Therefore anybody with a coin can stake instead of renting or pointing there miners and using how much electric.

The Reason we chose to have proof of stake.

1. we don't rely just on miners any more to find blocks
2. the blocks will be found faster.
3. Staking rewards those who hold coins.
4. Why not have a way for people to earn interest with them keeping said currency in their wallet. (Banks offer Interest but it always has a catch) We offer it and all you have to do is have your wallet open with funds in.

The Price will be Linked to what YOU the user wishes it to be nothing else. Just like fiat money it is only worth what you believe not what you are being told Wink

Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Top address it is good. Need exchange. Mining is very hard (((

Just over 4300 blocks left then Proof Of Stake will Kick in  Wink

Why POS coins without knowing its value? Sorry, bad english.. Russia -)

Bit lost here. I know the value of Pos % as it was me who set it. do you mean you do not know the value. Or are you talking of an actual sale price ?

and no worries Me like RUSSIAN'S  Grin
I mean that not knowing the price has no meaning POS mining.

try to move the DRACO among russian СryptoCommunity. 86 Draco mining. Address - DmMZEjDkzJUGyennNMW8u93XvcUaYhfgRw. Good luck
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Top address it is good. Need exchange. Mining is very hard (((

Just over 4300 blocks left then Proof Of Stake will Kick in  Wink

Why POS coins without knowing its value? Sorry, bad english.. Russia -)

Bit lost here. I know the value of Pos % as it was me who set it. do you mean you do not know the value. Or are you talking of an actual sale price ?

and no worries Me like RUSSIAN'S  Grin
I mean that not knowing the price has no meaning POS mining.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Top address it is good. Need exchange. Mining is very hard (((

Just over 4300 blocks left then Proof Of Stake will Kick in  Wink

Why POS coins without knowing its value? Sorry, bad english.. Russia -)

Bit lost here. I know the value of Pos % as it was me who set it. do you mean you do not know the value. Or are you talking of an actual sale price ?

and no worries Me like RUSSIAN'S  Grin
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