vultr 5 instance?
if yes shutdown all instances:
systemctl stop pivx_n1
systemctl stop pivx_n2
systemctl stop pivx_n3
systemctl stop pivx_n4
systemctl stop pivx_n5
sleep 15
download and extract the new binaries to a temp folder like this:
cd ~
mkdir ~/ctempClient
tar -vxzf ~/pivx-2.2.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz -C ~/ctempClient
optional save the old binaries:
mv /usr/local/bin/pivxd /usr/local/bin/pivxd_o
mv /usr/local/bin/pivx-cli /usr/local/bin/pivx-cli_o
mv /usr/local/bin/pivx-tx /usr/local/bin/pivx-tx_o
mv /usr/local/bin/pivx-qt /usr/local/bin/pivx-qt_o
copy the binaries to /usr/local/bin/ like this:
cp ~/ctempClient/pivx-2.2.0/bin/pivx* /usr/local/bin/
not sure if optional or not but i did it and would recommend to do it: delete the chain and load it from a 2.2.0 client for every instance
restart the deamons:
systemctl restart pivx_n1
sleep 5
systemctl restart pivx_n2
sleep 5
systemctl restart pivx_n3
sleep 5
systemctl restart pivx_n4
sleep 5
systemctl restart pivx_n5
sleep 5
remove archive and temp folder:
rm -R ~/ctempClient
rm pivx-2.2.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
restrat all nodes with controller wallet, after that you need to activate all nodes on vps too like this
pivx-cli -rpcport=444[xy] -rpcuser=[username] -rpcpassword=[pw] masternode start
xy is the instance number ofc