Ok, let me explain a bit, one of the main issues in the masternode voting, is when only a few vote, then the budget control becomes very centralised. Dash is experiencing this right now. We don't want to go there. But as pointed out, we have put some work into an announcement panel inside the wallet for direct communications. This particular subject isn't something we are rushing into, there will be a lot more research, and number crunching before a serious option can be considered, but saying this... something will need to be changed to get more to vote.
Also, there is an option to abstain during voting. You do not have to vote only yes/no
So please let us hear your ideas, and solutions.
s3v3nh4cks we know that voting is substantial for a good progress and therefore we have to define the voting system more exactly. We have to find consensus about how many votes are needed and in which time.
Those 2 points, IMO, have primarly to be cleared.
1. We could, for example, define proposals to reach a total vote of 75% or 66% respective 3/4 or 2/3 majority of active MN in a given time ... (insert period of time)...
2. Penalties or fines for "non-voting-MN" will be contraproductive - as we need MNs for our infrastructure why shall we fine them? This step would hinder new MN growth.
3. We could think about a "seesaw"-Staker-voting; giving stakers the possiblity to vote on proposals but not to open them. The voting balance could be the same or lower as "staking-seesaw".
@community: What are your thougths about that?