This is announcement for Equihash 144 coins stratum setup change effective as of 06.08.2018 10:00 CET.
I am excided to annoucne that we managed to get personalized equihash coins profit switch without EWBF miner restart, as well as adding mc= functionality to equihash stratums.
Credits to EWBF developer supporting the change. We will group all Equihash 144 5 coins under one port making all Options(1,2,3) functionallity working with latest EWBF release 0.5.
Following command lines needs to be used for different equihash144 mining options in combination with EWBF release 0.5 based on Snowgem example
Commands for different mining options
Option 1 Auto coin switch by profitability within algorithm with payment to wallet
miner --algo 144_5 --pers auto --server --user--pass c=BTC
Option 2 Direct coin mining to coin wallet
miner --algo 144_5 --pers auto --server --user--pass c=XSG,mc=XSG
Option 3 Direct coin mining with autoexchange to specified coin wallet
miner --algo 144_5 --pers auto --server --user--pass c=BTC,mc=XSG
Please note mc stands for mining coin symbol, c stand for payout wallet coin symbol
What host/port will the API report?
Yes, it will report equihash144 as algo and 2146 as port.