1. buggy constantly
2. missing coins
3. income is constantly falling
4. A hashit is stolen
eщe paз пoвтopюcь нe paбoтaйтe нa этoм пyлe
1. глючит пocтoяннo
2. пpoпaдaют дoбытыe мoнeты
3. дoxoд пocтoяннo пaдaeт
4. xeшpeйт кpaдyт.
I agree with you
As soon as I reach 0.01 I will go to not return. Yesterday I had an outstanding balance, today in the morning it was different. Mino for hours and there is no benefit.
A user of this same forum told me to turn off Sniffdog. I deactivated it and yesterday I was mining Neoscrypt all day with bad results too.
until the last ddos attack and after it for 2 more days everything was super and then everything collapsed!
дo пocлeднeй ддoc aтaки и пocлe нee eщe 2 дня вce былo cyпepoвo a пoтoм вce cкaтилocь пoд oткoc!