Il est obligatoire d'avoir un VPS pour se créer un masternode ou bien c'est aussi possible avec le wallet sous windows ?
Il est possible sous windows de faire tourner un masternode sur une virtual machine Linux, ou de le faire directement sous windows, mais nous n'avons pas encore mis le tutoriel pour faire cela.
Un utilisateur nous a donné la solution pour faire tourner sentinel sous windows :
Installing Sentinel on Windows
It is assumed that the first steps for installing the masternode have already been completed before installing Sentinel.
Download and install Python 2.7.x from here C: \ Python27 and C: \ Python27 \ Scripts to the PATH environment variable. (System Properties -> Environment Variables)
Install PIP -
For this you need to download and run python in the same directory.
Other ways to install PIP on Windows: http: // stackoverflow ... pip-on-windows
Install Virtualenv by running pip install virtualenv
Download the sent and unzip to the directory C: \ sentinel (you can specify another, but for example here it will be this one)
We execute in the directory C: \ sentinel
virtualenv venv
venv \ Scripts \ pip install -r requirements.txt
Editing sentinel.conf by specifying the path to monacoCoin.conf in the monacoCoin_conf parameter.
Create a C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.bat file with the following content:
@echo off
set HOME =.
cd С: \ sentinel
C: \ sentinel \ venv \ Scripts \ python C: \ sentinel \ bin \
Create a C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.vbs file with the following content:
Install WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr (34) & "C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.bat" & Chr (34), 0
Install WshShell = Nothing
This intermediate vbs-script is needed in order to not open the console window when executing through the task scheduler.
We add the action C: \ sentinel \ sentinel.vbs to the task scheduler (Control Panel -> Administration -> Task Scheduler -> Create Task ...)
Trigger indicate "Daily", repeat the task 1 min.
Launch the Coin.
Who do not mind throwing a couple of coins for setting, my wallet MQfTBAzLpUWhPGsG7K6dSYTkfZju61Sa8G
Un tutoriel sera réalisé pour ceux qui souhaitent faire tourner un masternode sous windows.