Дoбpoгo вpeмeни cyтoк! Я пpиoбpeл дoвoльнo бoльшoe кoличecтвo CLO oзнaкoмившиcь c дoкyмeнтaми и идeeй, нo пoзнaкoмитьcя c кoмaндoй нe yдaлocь. Этo oгpoмный минyc в дoвepии к пpoeктy.
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This is an English ANN a friend
the Callisto team, and in particular the CEO is rather secretive, as Satoshi. I do not know whether this is good or bad for the project, but development is the main thing. Also in telegram chat there are always competent administrators
Translating Emelyanovgleb post : Good day! I bought quite a large number of CLO, having read the documents and the idea, but I could not get acquainted with the team. This is a huge minus in the credibility of the project.
Good day! I bought quite a large number of CLO, having read the documents and the idea, but I could not get acquainted with the team. This is a huge minus in the credibility of the project.
Well he had a point about that, they don't need to hide their identity if they are serious about this project. For being transparent to all participant and investors is matter most specially the credibility of the team.