
Topic: [ANN][Pre-ICO] BUZCOIN - Messenger & Marketplace from Russian Star - page 150. (Read 34233 times)

Activity: 196
Merit: 0
Prospects for the development of the cryptocurrency market.

Blockchain technologies are becoming more popular and occupy more place in life of modern man. 

The development of digital information and its protection is improving every day and simply amazes with its complexity and reliability.

The prospect of cryptocurrency development looks definitely bright. 

It is subject to the natural laws of supply and demand, and with the increase in those wishing to buy the issue does not increase.

According to 3 famous headliners (Katelin Breitman, Balaji Sreenivasan and Peter Smith) the future of cryptocurrency can be expressed by the following statements:

1⃣ There will be a gradual introduction of electronic money in the lives of ordinary people.
2⃣ Decentralized systems will not replace the Bank but will complement each other.
3⃣ Certain benefits will have to be sacrificed to improve security.
4⃣ The stable situation in the next 5 years can not be expected.
5⃣ Even the best experts cannot predict the exact ups and downs, it is necessary to focus on the available charts.

As for the development of the cryptocurrency market in Russia, at the moment there are still some objections of quite influential forces in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and a number of other departments, but the government and leading banks still agreed that it is useful for the economy.

In addition, there were clear instructions to support and develop the industry.

The development is directly related to the General legalization of cryptocurrency in the market.

The introduction of the draft law on the regulation of the CFA in Russia will significantly protect participants from numerous risks.

But at the moment there is no clear legal status and regulation system in respect of this currency system.

As with all technological innovations, it takes time to gain confidence and form the legal and economic prerequisites for development, cryptocurrency is no exception.

So we just have to wait.

According to many analysts of the crypto-currency market, all as one say that this is a new future behind which there are many prospects.

It is assumed that the cryptocurrency will firmly enter our lives, as well as future generations.
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
Good day fellows I wish this project grows well and perfect!

Thank you so much!
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
Why is she trying to get in every profitable industry?
To you note: so do all the literate businessmen. So this is only an indicator that Olga is a high-level businessman and knows how to do business. So you do not have to worry about the level of business literacy of the project head, this level at the height =)
Lol! That man is funny. So why does he has to limit what Olga wants? She is living in a free country and she can do whatever she wishes to do. If she thinks involving in everything profitable is a crime then there will be no business people everywhere in Russia.
You're absolutely right. Many people think that if a person is famous in show business, then he has no other skills and he is bad in everything else. Even when a person achieves success for other purposes, such people hang a stamp on him, that this is all due to beauty and acquaintances at the expense of beauty. However, they themselves do not know the truth.
Olga is a good entrepreneur and the project team is not only Olga, but also experienced professionals

Thank you very much for your feedback. It is a pity that many other people still find it difficult to get beyond their own prejudiced attitudes. But we will do our best to ensure that even those who doubt us believe in us.
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
Why is she trying to get in every profitable industry?
To you note: so do all the literate businessmen. So this is only an indicator that Olga is a high-level businessman and knows how to do business. So you do not have to worry about the level of business literacy of the project head, this level at the height =)
Lol! That man is funny. So why does he has to limit what Olga wants? She is living in a free country and she can do whatever she wishes to do. If she thinks involving in everything profitable is a crime then there will be no business people everywhere in Russia.
You're absolutely right. Many people think that if a person is famous in show business, then he has no other skills and he is bad in everything else. Even when a person achieves success for other purposes, such people hang a stamp on him, that this is all due to beauty and acquaintances at the expense of beauty. However, they themselves do not know the truth.
Olga is a good entrepreneur and the project team is not only Olga, but also experienced professionals
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1281
Why is she trying to get in every profitable industry?
To you note: so do all the literate businessmen. So this is only an indicator that Olga is a high-level businessman and knows how to do business. So you do not have to worry about the level of business literacy of the project head, this level at the height =)
Lol! That man is funny. So why does he has to limit what Olga wants? She is living in a free country and she can do whatever she wishes to do. If she thinks involving in everything profitable is a crime then there will be no business people everywhere in Russia.
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
Ceгoдня мы кpaткo paccкaжeм o нoвoм в зaкoнe o кpиптoвaлютe в  Poccии 2018.

Чтo мoжнo cкaзaть?

Пepвoe - этo cтaтyc кpиптoвaлюты нa дaнный мoмeнт.

1⃣ Этo нeмaтepиaльный aктив.
2⃣ Moгyт иcпoльзoвaтьcя нe тoлькo для зaкoнныx oпepaций, нo и для oтмывaния дoxoдoв oт пpoдaжи opyжия, финaнcиpoвaния тeppopиcтoв.
3⃣ Oтcyтcтвyeт пpoзpaчнocть pынкa кpиптoвaлют.
4⃣ ЦБ oткaзывaeтcя лeгaлизoвывaть кpиптoмoнeты, cчитaя иx дeнeжным cyppoгaтoм.
5⃣ Eдинoй cтpaтeгии paзвития pынкa кpиптoвaлют y Mинфинa и ЦБ PФ нeт.

Кaк нeкий итoг, мoжнo cкaзaть тo, чтo лeгaлизaция кpиптoвaлют кpaйнe нeoбxoдимa yчacтникaм pынкa, чтoбы нe пoпacть в pyки мoшeнникoв или eщё xyжe, нe oкaзaтьcя нa cкaмьe пoдcyдимыx зa любыe oпepaции c тoкeнaми.

💢 Пoдpoбнee o зaкoнoпpoeктe.

25 янвapя 2017 гoдa Mинфин пpeдcтaвил зaкoнoпpoeкт «O цифpoвыx финaнcoвыx aктивax».

20 мapтa 2018 гoдa был пoвтopнo внecён зaкoнoпpoeкт o «ЦФA», кoтopый пpизвaн peглaмeнтиpoвaть oбopoт кpиптoвaлют и пpoчиx тoкeнax, cмapт-кoнтpaктax, a тaкжe мaйнингe и дpyгиx элeмeнтax кpиптoэкoнoмики. Ocнoвныe пoлoжeния пepeкликaютcя c пpoeктoм paнee пpeдлoжeнным Mинфинoм PФ.

💢 Кopoткo oб ocнoвныx пoлoжeнияx дoкyмeнтa:

1⃣ Цифpoвыe тoкeны, кpиптoвaлюты pacцeнивaютcя кaк «инoe имyщecтвo». Этo нe дeнeжныe cpeдcтвa в пpямoм cмыcлe cлoвa, нo иx мoжнo oбмeнять нa дpyгoй тoвap или ycлyгy. Taким oбpaзoм, биткoин пpиpaвнивaeтcя к цeнным бyмaгaм, бeзнaличным финaнcaм. Пoдтвepдить пpaвo coбcтвeннocти нa нeгo мoжнo бyдeт в cooтвeтcтвyющeм цифpoвoм peecтpe. Пpи этoм oтмeчaeтcя, чтo кpиптoвaлютa нe являeмcя зaкoнным cpeдcтвoм плaтeжa нa тeppитopии Poccии.
2⃣ ICO, coглacнo тeкcтy пpoeктa зaкoнa, этo вид кpayдинвecтингa. Учacтникaм инвecтиpoвaния нeoбxoдимo дoбpoвoльнo pacкpывaть цeль влoжeния cpeдcтв, пpeдocтaвлять бизнec-инфopмaцию.
3⃣ Кoличecтвo вклaдывaeмыx финaнcoв oгpaничивaeтcя 1 млpд pyблeй, для нeквaлифициpoвaнныx инвecтopoв – 50 тыc. pyблeй.
4⃣ Зaчиcлить кибepдeньги мoжнo бyдeт нa cпeциaльный cчeт, oфopмлeнный нa юpидичecкoe лицo.
5⃣ Oткpытиe цифpoвoгo кoшeлькa для oбopoтa кpиптoвaлюты, мoжeт быть тoлькo чepeз oпepaтopa цфa пocлe пpoxoждeния пpoцeдyp идeнтификaции.
6⃣ Maйнинг oпpeдeляeтcя кaк вид пpeдпpинимaтeльcкoй дeятeльнocти для юpидичecкиx лиц и ИП.
7⃣ Дoxoды c тopгoв бyдyт oблaгaтьcя нaлoгaми.
8⃣ Пpoцeдypa выпycкa тoкeнoв бyдeт coпpoвoждaтьcя кoнтpoлeм нa вcex этaпax. Oбязaтeльнoй cтaнeт пyбликaция пyбличнoй oфepты c пepeчиcлeниeм вcex cвeдeний oб эмитeнтe и пpиoбpeтaтeлe aктивa.
9⃣ Cтaтyc нaциoнaльнoй кpиптoвaлютa пoкa пpиoбpecти нe cмoжeт. B этoм вoпpoce ЦБ и Mинфин к coглacию нe пpишли.
🔟 Ключeвым paзличиeм мeждy кpиптoвaлютoй и тoкeнoм, пo вepcии зaкoнoпpoeктa, являeтcя нaличиe эмитeнтa.

Oднaкo  Mинфин и Бaнк Poccии дo cиx пop нe пpишли к coглacию oтнocитeльнo вoзмoжнocти oбмeнa кpиптoвaлют нa pyбли и дpyгиe aктивы. Пo мнeнию ЦБ, тaкиe cдeлки дoлжны быть paзpeшeны тoлькo в oтнoшeнии тoкeнoв.

Beдoмcтвo зaвepшaeт paзpaбoткy зaкoнoпpoeктa, кoтopый ycтaнoвит в зaкoнoдaтeльcтвe пoнятиe "дeнeжныx cyppoгaтoв" и oтвeтcтвeннocть зa иx иcпoльзoвaниe в кaчecтвe cpeдcтвa плaтeжa.

Пoкa извecтнo, чтo зaкoн o peгyлиpoвaнии кpиптoвaлют в Poccии мoжeт вcтyпить в cилy в ceнтябpe 2018 гoдa.
Activity: 350
Merit: 15
Yesterday in Moscow was opened the first restaurant of Olga Buzova - BUZFOOD and the whole project team of BUZCOIN congratulates Olga on this event!

We really live in the era of Olga Buzova and all the projects under the name of this pretty woman become successful!

The project BUZAR will not be an exception - soon we will present the first part of our marketplace platform - BUZAR messenger and we are sure that you, our dear subscribers, will appreciate it!

Meanwhile we would like to remind you that in 9 days we will have a webinar - the one where we will tell you how to become successful, to realize and fulfill all your dreams!

Are you waiting? We are!

I believe that Buzar platform and Buzcoin will be a successful ICO because of all the hard work of the team and the promotion that Olga Buzova is giving to the project.
What's the name of the restaurant? That's a great promotion out there seems that we have alot of supporters in their country, I wish you all the best olga you and your
team is doing a ridiculous campaign which will lead to a successful ICO.
I think the name of the restaurant is Buzfood. This achievement of Olga Buzova will definitely gives a confident to people who believe in her and ignore those people who bash or hate her for being part of the Buzcoin.
Oh thanks really appreciated your post. I hope i can visit the place Olga BUzova is a truly well known personality and businesswoman and i wish her for a huge success
of her project. Goodluck to everyone of us.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Good day fellows I wish this project grows well and perfect!
Activity: 350
Merit: 15
Impossible is nothing!

There is a misconception that it is impossible to earn a lot, and only billionaires can live beautiful life and travel around the world.

✅ We will dispel these stereotypes!

✅ Start changing your life today and change the "impossible" into possible!

You have already made a small step on the way to success, having read this text, the next step is our webinar which will be held on the 20th at 20:00 Moscow time.

We will tell, show and teach you everything you need to know!

Give a new start to your life!

As we gather all of our friends around the globe we believe that cryptocurrency will change the life that we have now.
Buzcoin is the answer of your dreams, make it as a reality.
sr. member
Activity: 910
Merit: 251
There is a misconception that it is impossible to earn a lot, but only billionaires can live a beautiful life and travel a lot.

✅ We will dispel these stereotypes!

✅ Start today to change your life and make the "impossible" - possible!

You have already made a small step on the road to success, after reading this text, the next step is our webinar, which will take place on the 20th on 20:00 Moscow time.

We will tell, show and teach you everything you need to know!

Give a new start to your life!

sr. member
Activity: 910
Merit: 251

Today, various ICO is a new area for investment.

As we have already said, ICO projects appear literally in all areas from retail to oil and gas.

An interesting study was conducted at the Boston School of Management by Wallace E. Carroll. Experts found that investors who invested in various ICOs receive 82% of profits.

Researchers collected data on 4003 ICO-projects, collected in aggregate $ 12 billion.

The report says: "... today, investors are already shrewd enough to detect fraudulent ICO, from honest. And the average investor really gets 82% of the profit from his investments ... "

Experts relied on the following figures to calculate: the price of the token after listing on the crypto exchange, grows by an average of 179% compared to the original one.

By the way, even those who did not buy tokens before the listing received a good profit, as prices rose by an average of 67% during the first 30 days of trading.

At the same time, the income of investors who kept their tokens longer, significantly increases - by 140% in 90 days, 430% after 180 days, and 1.880% through 360.

full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 100
Yesterday in Moscow was opened the first restaurant of Olga Buzova - BUZFOOD and the whole project team of BUZCOIN congratulates Olga on this event!

We really live in the era of Olga Buzova and all the projects under the name of this pretty woman become successful!

The project BUZAR will not be an exception - soon we will present the first part of our marketplace platform - BUZAR messenger and we are sure that you, our dear subscribers, will appreciate it!

Meanwhile we would like to remind you that in 9 days we will have a webinar - the one where we will tell you how to become successful, to realize and fulfill all your dreams!

Are you waiting? We are!

I believe that Buzar platform and Buzcoin will be a successful ICO because of all the hard work of the team and the promotion that Olga Buzova is giving to the project.
What's the name of the restaurant? That's a great promotion out there seems that we have alot of supporters in their country, I wish you all the best olga you and your
team is doing a ridiculous campaign which will lead to a successful ICO.
I think the name of the restaurant is Buzfood. This achievement of Olga Buzova will definitely gives a confident to people who believe in her and ignore those people who bash or hate her for being part of the Buzcoin.
Activity: 434
Merit: 11
You all know that the brand and the inspiration of our project is Olga Buzova - TV presenter, actress, designer and singer.

Today the number of subscribers of Olga in the social network Instagram has exceeded 13 000 000 subscribers!

The whole project team of BUZAR congratulates Olga!

It is her popularity in social networks and the media that will ensure a stable natural flow of users to BUZAR platform.

Thanks to the already promoted brand of Olga Buzova, the project team will be able to reduce the cost of project promotion at least twice and the savings on promotion funds to improve the functional operation of the platform UI and UX.

Well this is really a great news 13000000 subscribers are really big numbers imagine all of the subscribers of Olga support Buzcoin imagine how much will grow Buzcoin. For sure they subscribe in Olga because they saw something amazing about her and that's what happen also if they so Buzar platform once it is really complete and I can't wait that to happen because the success of this ICO is very near.
13 million is way lot bigger than any other celebrities this is a good sign that we have more marketers or supporters of olga. Olga would be happy for this
Oh by the way how much is our private sale? We have amazing year ahead if it's reach the hardcap
With 13 million subscribers this will really help to promote and even spread the news about Buzar platform and Buzcoin. With this, the project will be able to save some money for advertisement and promotion. Good job Olga Buzova!
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 100
Tired of suffering? Do you want to fulfill your dreams?

All you have to do is take the first step towards your goal!

Have you noticed that so many people have a distorted view of life?

People do not believe that they can succeed and do not even want to try!

They tend to avoid failure, and are afraid of it so much that they do not even want to try to fulfill their dreams, afraid to face problems.

But we are not among such people! We are not afraid to be successful, we go to our goal and are open to everything new, aren’t we?

After reading this post you have already made a step towards your goal!

What’s next? Be patient — we’ll tell you everything you need to know!

Soon you will be able to come to our webinar, but for now just stay in touch!
 Remember, only you preelease your future and your future success depends on you!

We believe in your success! We know that together we will achieve more!

I like this article, very true! I was so related about the quote, "They tend to avoid failure, and are afraid of it so much that they do not even want to try to fulfill their dreams, afraid to face problems." Thank you Buzcoin for enlighten my mind about this.
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
this project will gain profit from her fans very interesting .

Thank you very much sir!
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
How did it all begin?

The idea of developing electronic money appeared relatively recently, to be more precise in 2008.

It was assumed that such an innovative system would be independent of the world authorities, the government, state banks, as well as reliably protected.

As everyone knows, the first cryptocurrency that appeared is bitcoin, the cost of which initially was no more than 6 cents, but by November 2011 exceeded the mark of half a dollar. Gradually, consumer confidence in the cryptocurrency grew and new alternative electronic funds began to appear.

At the moment, there are already a huge number of them, including the innovative one which is the crypto currency of the Russian star, actress and TV presenter - Olga Buzova.

This digital asset BUZCOIN will be a part of the platform BUZAR - alternative social network and marketplace.

The platform with a simple and user-friendly interface is securely protected and provided with data security. In addition to communication within the system, anyone can use it as a trading platform avoiding work with intermediaries.

What are the other advantages of Buzar platform?

1⃣ Experienced team of specialists.
2⃣ Low fee of the marketplace.
3⃣ Innovative functionality.
4⃣ It will be possible to exchange video calls on specialized encrypted channels.
5⃣ Video hosting and video broadcasting.
6⃣ Built-in music service.
7⃣ The presence of the Bulletin Board and online auction.
8⃣ Multiple implementation of online stores,sales and rental services.
9⃣ Cryptocurrency exchange and P2P payments.
🔟 Calendar of events, purchase of tickets for various concerts and events.

And also you are waiting for many other pleasant innovations and surprises!

In a word, BUZCOIN is a new era which is definitely waiting for success!

Join us soon! Be successful and realize all your dreams now!
jr. member
Activity: 201
Merit: 1
this project will gain profit from her fans very interesting .
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
ICO-investor receives 82% of profit from investments

Today, various ICO is a new area for investment.

As we have already said, ICO projects appear literally in all areas from retail to petroleum.

An interesting research was conducted at the Boston School of Management of Wallace E. Carroll. Experts found that investors who have invested in various ICOs receive 82% of profits.

Researchers collected data on 4003 ICO-projects, which raised in total $ 12 billion.

The study says: “…today, investors are already shrewd enough to spot a fraudulent ICO from an honest one. And the average investor really gets 82% of the profits from their investments…”

Experts relied on the following calculations: the price of the token after listing on the crypto-currency exchange grows by an average of 179% compared to the initial one.

By the way, even those who did not purchase tokens before listing made a good profit as prices rose on average by 67% during the first 30 days of trading.

At the same time the income of investors who held their tokens longer increases significantly — by 140% in 90 days, 430% after 180 days, and 1,880% after 360.
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
Why is she trying to get in every profitable industry?
To you note: so do all the literate businessmen. So this is only an indicator that Olga is a high-level businessman and knows how to do business. So you do not have to worry about the level of business literacy of the project head, this level at the height =)
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1281
Something is bothering my mind here. If Buzar will be an international marketplace offering goods and services using cryptocurrency as payment, what if i am from other country and i want to avail one of Buzar’s services offered how can i be able to avail it? Geographical barrier.  Sad
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