Пoкa тoжe дyмaю, чтo идeя зaмeчaтeльнaя. Ho интepecyeт вoпpoc пpo тoкeнизaцию квaдpaтныx мeтpoв. Кaк этo бyдeт пpoиcxoдить? Бyдeт вoзмoжнocть пoкyпaть тoкeны эквивaлeнтныe тoлькo плoщaди цeлoй квapтиpы или и чacти тoжe? Ecли мoжнo бyдeт выкyпaть мeлкиe oбъёмы, тo кaк бyдeт paзpyливaтьcя cитyaция: кyпил я, cкaжeм, тoкeнoв нa 3 кв м, a пpoдaвaть нe xoчy. И чтo, oднa квapтиpa ocтaнeтcя "зaблoкиpoвaннoй"?
Thank you for you support, we really appreciate that. We would also like to kindly ask you though, to communicate here in English only, due to the fact that this is an international thread
Please, join our Russian speaking Telegram community
https://t.me/squarex_rus. We would be glad to answer your questions related to the project.
As far as I understand, you asked if it is possible to buy only a few tokened metres using Squarex Ecosystem and then hold them so no one could buy the whole apartment later. In short, no.
In more details, it happens like this:
1. The user selects a favorite object (apartment) in the building and tows it; this freezes the number of tokens less (if there are not enough tokens), or equal to the number of tokens in the apartment (set in advance). One object can attract a lot of users, therefore, there is overbooking on the platform.
2. After some period of time, the sale of apartments on the platform takes place (the status of the project on the platform - “available for sale”). For booked objects, platform is offering to buy back the objects for the users who have put the largest number of tokens into them.
3. The user who contributed the most tokens for the object is given a few days to conclude a contract with the developer; if during this time he enters into a contract - the user's tokens are burned, and the rest of the participants are returned the booked tokens.
4. If during the allotted time the user does not enter into a contract, then he/she returns tokens (minus the fee for hold (similar to the fine)), and the platform offers the next on the list to buy an apartment.
5. The user who booked the object, but was not the first in the queue, can exit the booking without paying a fee (but no more than a few times-after which the platform does not allow you to remove the booking)
6. User who has the tokens can at any moment stand in the queue to book in advance, starting with the status “Available for booking” to the status “Sale”.
7. When the project enters the “sale completed " state, the tokens of the buyers that have not been used are burned, and the amount of invested funds + the bonus in SQEX tokens is returned to them.
! Since you were interested in tokenization of square metres in SQUAREX Platform, you might want to check out our latest article on Medium, that we posted above
Thank you very much for your interest in our project, this kind of feedback encourages to improve our ongoing activities at large!